Tuesday February 25, 2014 Morning Work
LA Morning Work Descriptive/Figurative Language The Moon “But all of the things that belong to the day cuddle up to sleep to be out of her way; And flowers and children close their eyes Till up in the morning the sun shall rise” Why does the author use the phrase cuddle up to sleep? To indicate that they will dream about the moon To give the idea that the moon will wake them up To hint that they do not wish to be up with the moon To show that they do not wish to be up with the moon Idioms “Babe in the woods” Peter knew his way around junior high, but now in high school he’s just a babe in the woods. Define the idiom in your own words
MATH Morning Work Ava was baking cupcakes to share with her class. She only had enough batter to make 12 cupcakes. However, she has 21 students in her class. Ms. Mootoo told her that she should divide them in half, and then she would have enough to share. Is Ms. Mootoo correct? Why?
Social Studies Morning Work In what way does government influence your life? In what ways can you influence American government?