Pick up a format sheet and sit with your lab groups Do Now: Pick up a format sheet and sit with your lab groups (they are posted on the white board if you don’t remember) And complete the following questions In your notebooks, please answer the following questions, in complete sentences: What factors affect the speed of a stream? 2. Explain how the speed of a stream affects water’s ability to erode?
Stream Speed Lab IMPORTANT: The final lab write-up is worth a Test Grade, 10 points will be deducted each school day this lab is late. You are responsible for your own grade, not your group.
Stream Speed Lab This lab may be written or typed. I should receive one lab write up per person. It is your responsibility to make sure you all of the information necessary to complete the write-up. HINT: Make sure you know what information you need before you start the lab.
Objectives: To design and carry out an experiment to show the relationship between the slope of a stream-bed and a stream’s speed. To observe the effects of the slope of a stream on speed of the stream. To observe the effects of speed of a stream on erosion.
We are now going to begin the Lab You should work with your group to come up with the answers and/or information needed to complete each of the following sections The sections we will cover today are Title and Date Problem Introduction Hypothesis Materials
Heading/Title Full Name Due Date SKIP LINE Stream Speed Lab Problem: (Written as a question, use the objectives slide to help you. The question should be what are you trying find out by doing the lab.)
Introduction Paragraph form, at least 6 good complete sentences In this section you should provide the reader with any prior knowledge you have regarding stream erosion and stream formation. I would suggest using your book , notes, notes packet, and outlines to gather information The word “I” should not appear in your writing (no first person)
Hypothesis The hypothesis a prediction or educated guess about what the results or outcome of the lab will be. It is written without the word “I or my” (no first person). However, the word “will” is very common because it is a prediction of the future. Ex: The carrot will lose water when placed in salt water.
This section should be written EXACTLY as it is below Materials This section should be written EXACTLY as it is below Bucket of water Bucket for waste Water Soil Wallpaper Tray Beakers (2) Glitter (be sure to state what color was used?) Ruler Paper Towels Old text books *Also remember to include a drawing of the lab set up.*
Lastly, each group should look at their procedure sheet and plan out who will be responsible for what on the day of the lab. Everyone should be responsible for at least one job during the lab.
Procedure The procedure should be written exactly as it is written on procedure hand out provided to you.
Data/Observations Much like the last lab you completed, you need to write down anything interesting you noticed while the lab was taking place. All collected data and observations should be included in the data section of the lab report. Your data should be presented in writing, tables, graphs and/or pictures. In addition, a before and after drawing of your stream is needed.
Questions Write the question and answers to the questions, in complete sentences: Were sediments carried along with the water to the end of your stream channels? Did the slope affect the speed of the streams in your experiment? If so, how? Will streams with greater or smaller slopes erode more sediments and why? What does the glitter represent in the lab? What happened to sediments? What happened in general?
Error Analysis Answer the following questions, in complete sentences, to the best of your ability: What mistakes were made throughout the lab? (none is not acceptable) How did these mistakes affect your end results? What could you do differently next time to prevent these mistakes from happening?
Conclusion Finally a summary should be written to highlight what you did in the experiment and what was SPECIFICALLY found as a result. What did you learn – I am looking for critical analysis and any insights you might have. You must also include an acceptance, or rejection, of your original hypothesis, and WHY? (You may write in the 1st person). At least 6 good sentences.