Biology Unit 1 Project Diet Analysis for: ____________________ Group Member Names: ___________________________________ Class Period__________________ Client Summary and Goals Client BMR (Calories per Day) Gather information about your assigned person. What is their age? Lifestyle? Activity level? What do they want to do? (Lose weight, gain weight, etc.) Calculate the BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). You can search BMR calculator and there are several websites you can use. This calculates how many calories a person needs based on age, exercise and other factors. The Harris-Benedict formula will adjust calories due to exercise. Example: 2, 000 calories per day Results Recommended Diet Changes Summarize the results of your data table and graph. Is your client eating enough or too much? To edit the graph, double click on it. Then click on Edit Data on the top tool bar. Describe the changes you would recommend making to your client’s diet. Recommended Lifestyle Changes Describe the changes you would recommend making to your client’s lifestyle and exercise routine. Data Table Breakfast Lunch Dinner Total Calories Per Day Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Caption for Picture Caption for Picture Rubric Client Summary and Goals ______ (3pts) Graph ______ (3pts) Client BMR (Calories per Day) ______ (2pts) Recommended Diet Changes ______ (3pts) Description of Results ______ (3pts) Recommended Lifestyle Changes ______ (3pts) Data Table ______ (3pts) Client Name, Team Names are included ______ (3pts)