Mrs. Inman’s Class Classroom Newsletter Week of September 24th Dates to Remember Thurs., Sept. 27: Family Night from 5-7pm Wed., Oct 3: Count Day and picture day! Thurs., Oct 4: Progress Reports sent home Tues. Oct. 9: Parent/ Teacher Conferences 5-8 pm Fri., Oct 12: PTO Walkathon Fundraiser Mon. Oct. 15: Donuts with Dads @ 8:15 Tues. Oct. 16: Parent/ Teacher conferences 5-8pm Thurs. Oct 18: Parent/ Teacher conferences 5-8 pm Classroom News Question & Unpack: That’s what you need to do as soon as your child gets home. Ask what he/she did today and don’t accept “nothing” as an answer. Look over our classroom schedule and ask questions like, “What did you do during math?” or “Where did you play during recess?” Help your child look through his/her backpack and folder and look over his/her papers for the day. THIS IS A GREAT ROUTINE TO GET IN THE HABIT OF DOING FOR HIS/HER ENTIRE SCHOOL CAREER! Help at home: Although we don’t have formal homework this year there is still plenty that can be worked on at home if you have the time. Spelling words, ball words (coming soon), ‘read-at-home’ packets for those receiving Title 1 supports and AR reading for those who are participating. Mrs. Inman Email address: Morley Stanwood Elementary Website: 4808 Northland Drive Phone Number: 231-856-7684 (ext. 3110)
What We’re Learning Next Week Spelling Words yet web pen wet leg hen What We’re Learning Next Week Reading: nouns, verbs & adjectives Spelling/Phonics: short e words Writing:. adding details to our pictures Math: Subtraction Science: Earth Science-water cycle, natural resources & seasons. Volunteers Attached is the sign-up for classroom volunteers. Please remember that you will need to stop in the office with your drivers license at least 24 hours before your first scheduled volunteer date for a background check. We have many different types of volunteer activities. You are able to choose if you would like to work with students, make copies or other ‘office-type’ activities, or read a book to the whole class. You choose your comfort zone Kid-of-the-Day Monday – Parker Tuesday – Brooke Wednesday – Hailey R. Thursday – Mea . Friday – Mason S.