Titles in Text
Books and Movies Underline book and movie titles. CAPITALIZE the first word and last word in the titles, as well as all other important words. DO NOT capitalize articles, prepositions, and conjunctions.
REVIEW Articles are words like a, the, an Conjunctions are words that combine sentences and ideas like and, because, so Prepositions are words that show the relationships between groups of words or ideas like with, under, beside
Let’s Practice My favorite book of all time is called yo blues aint like mine by BeBe Moore Campbell. We just saw the movie a thousand words this past Saturday. My favorite book of all time is called Yo Blues Ain’t Like Mine by BeBe Moore Campbell. We just saw the movie One Thousand Words this past Saturday.
Poems, Stories and Songs Use “Quotation Marks” around the titles of songs, stories, and poems. CAPITALIZE the first word and last word in the titles, as well as all other important words. DO NOT capitalize articles, prepositions, and conjunctions.
Let’s Practice My favorite poem in Maya Angelou’s book is titled and still I rise. I just love the song ribbon in the sky by Stevie Wonder. Did you memorize the code of respect poem? My favorite poem in Maya Angelou’s book is titled “And Still I Rise”. I just love the song “Ribbon in the Sky” by Stevie Wonder. Did you memorize the “Code of Respect” poem?
MORE PRACTICE Work with a partner to complete the ‘Writing Titles in Text’ handout. You have 10 minutes. Early finishers should read and work on Chapters 1-4 reading questions.