How does facing challenges help us learn about ourselves? Getting Ready to Read How does facing challenges help us learn about ourselves? What challenges does the winter solstice bring to people and animals? How does hibernating help bears meet the challenges of winter? How does a camouflaged animal, like a snowshoe hare or a ptarmigan, face challenges in its environment?
Amazing Words Turn to page 330-331. Getting Ready to Read Amazing Words Turn to page 330-331. Motivation – a reason to do something. What motivation do you think the man has for trying to ignite a fire? How does your answer help you understand the word motivation? What motivation would you have for joining a sports team? What motivation might someone have for building a fire? What motivation might a person have for facing a challenge?
To take the role of the leader Getting Ready to Read Initiative To take the role of the leader He had to take the initiative when he realized that no one else was ready to leave the campsite. Which famous leaders have you studied who were known for their initiative?
Getting Ready to Read Word Analysis Shades of Meaning Fill in the synonym column with other words that mean the same as the original word Word Synonyms Scare Painstaking Self-reliant Make Shadow Frighten, terrify, petrify Careful Independent Fashion Shadiness
What is the base word in frighten? Getting Ready to Read Look at the synonyms for scare. Notice the suffixes –en and –fy. These mean “to make” What is the base word in frighten? Petrify comes from the Latin petra, meaning “rock”. What might petrify mean? Word Synonyms Scare Painstaking Self-reliant Make Shadow Frighten, terrify, petrify Careful, diligent, meticulous Independent, self-assured, dependable Fashion, construct, manufacture Shadiness, darkness, gloom
What are some examples of personification? 1. 2. 3. Getting Ready to Read Personification A figure of speech in which human traits are given to animals, inanimate objects, or ideas. The traits may include personality, intelligence, emotion, actions or speech. What are some examples of personification? 1. 2. 3. Watch for personification as you read Hatchet.
Story Structure Plot and Setting Getting Ready to Read Story Structure Plot and Setting Plot is the series of related events in a story that shows the characters in action The setting is the place and time in which the events occur. We’re going to be reading Hatchet, by Gary Paulsen. The setting is the wilderness. The story begins as Brian is waking up in the wilderness, after being stranded by a small plane crash.
Word endings The dry leaves ignited easily. Read and Comprehend Word endings The dry leaves ignited easily. What does the ending –ed do to the word ignite? The leaves are igniting the dry tree branches. What does the ending –ing do to the word ignite? A few embers are still smoldering this morning. Smoldering embers can be dangerous. What is the meaning of “smoldering”?
Read the first two paragraphs of Wilderness Camp out loud with me. Read and Comprehend Fluency Practice Read the first two paragraphs of Wilderness Camp out loud with me. Notice there are not many internal punctuation marks. This means pauses will happen at the end of the sentences.
What are some places you would call a wilderness? Read and Comprehend What are some places you would call a wilderness? Who or what might you find in the wilderness? What challenges would you expect to find there? What might you learn about yourself in the wilderness?
Think about and be ready to discuss: Read and Comprehend Read pages 338-339. Think about and be ready to discuss: Arrange the events that led to the pain in Brian’s leg in the correct sequence. Who do you think is more frightened during the incident with the porcupine – Brian or the porcupine? The author uses vivid phrases such as some musty rot that made him think only of graves. What other colorful phrases did the author use?
Why do you think brain cries so hard and so long? Read and Comprehend Read pages 340-341. Be ready to discuss: Why do you think brain cries so hard and so long? When did Brian decide not to give in to self-pity? What events in the story seem likely, true to life and reasonable?
Why do you think the author includes Brian’s dream in the story? Read and Comprehend Read pages 342-343. Be ready to discuss: What in your own life were you reminded of when Brian ate the raspberries? Why do you think the author includes Brian’s dream in the story? Why do you think Brian wants to make a staff or a lance and save the hatchet? Do the last two sentences at the bottom of page 343 hint at something that might happen later in the story?
Why are some of the words on page 344 larger than the rest? Read and Comprehend Read pages 344-345. Be ready to discuss: If this selection were a short story instead of a portion of a novel, what part of the story would be the rising action? The climax? Why are some of the words on page 344 larger than the rest? On page 345, Brian reflects “There had been fire for thousands, millions of years”. Name some of the ways early humans used fire.
Principal Parts of Regular Verbs Language Arts Principal Parts of Regular Verbs Underline and name each principal verb part. The Girl Scouts had been hiking. They stopped to rest. They climb this mountain a lot and have hiked the San Francisco Peaks every spring. I love sports. The boys are playing basketball. I jogged over to join them. Jake had missed his shot.
Language Arts Spelling practice Take out your list. Circle any prefixes or suffixes you see. Loop under each word part. Example: Exertion Rhinoceros Parachute Examine
You’ll be writing your rough draft today. Language Arts Writing a Speech Think about a natural resource or wilderness area that is important to you. Now write a speech about what makes this resource or area special. You’ll be writing your rough draft today. Follow the outline to create an organized speech.