English 10 B Final Exam Review
Foreshadowing A literary device in which an author hints about plot developments that will come later in the story. Foreshadowing can be used to create tension or build suspense Examples: The death of the mouse The death of Candy’s dog George telling Lennie to stay away from Curley’s wife
Personification Attributing human characteristics to something that is not human Personification gives writing life and connects it to audiences. By giving inanimate objects human qualities, personification helps to relate ideas and objects to people, allowing an author to convey his meaning more effectively. “The sycamore leaves whispered in a little night breeze.” - OMM “As happens sometimes, a moment settled and hovered and remained for much more than a moment.” - OMM
Symbol A literary device that uses an object or action that contains several layers of meaning, often concealed at first sight. Examples: George and Lennie’s farm is a symbol of the American Dream It is also a symbol for their relationship Rabbits - symbolize innocence
Simile A figure of speech that makes a comparison, showing similarities between two different things. A simile draws a direct connection with the words “like” or “as”. Examples: “Slowly, like a terrier who doesn’t want to bring a ball to its master, Lennie approached, drew back, approached again.” - “Suddenly Lennie appeared out of the brush, and he came as silently as a creeping bear moves.” - OMM
Imagery To use figurative language to represent objects, actions or ideas in such a way that it appeals to our physical senses. The author gives the reader a visual picture what what is going on. Examples: "And at his heels there walked a dragfooted sheepdog,gray of muzzle, and with pale,blind old eyes. The dog struggled lamely to the side of the room and lay down, grunting softly to himself and licking his grizzled,moth-eaten coat." - OMM "It was Sunday afternoon. The resting horses nibbled the remaining wisps of hay, and they stamped their feet and they bit the wood of the mangers and rattled the halter chains. The afternoon sun sliced through the cracks of the barn walls and lay in bright lines on the hay. There was the buzz of flies in the air, the lazy afternoon humming." - OMM
Animal Imagery The use of animal characteristics to describe that which is not animalistic. Examples: "...and he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws." "Slowly, like a terrier who doesn't want to bring a ball to its master, Lennie approached, drew back, approached again." "Lennie covered his face with huge paws and bleated with terror."
Alliteration Words used in quick succession and beginning with letters belonging to the same sound group. This gives the writing a poetic quality. Examples: “...brains to buck barley bag…” “...walls are whitewashed…” Of Mice and Men
Theme The foundation of the entire literary piece. An enduring pattern or motif throughout the literary work. Examples: Loneliness Friendship The American Dream
Motif The repetition of a specific theme throughout the novel. Motifs are very noticeable and play a significant role in defining the nature of the story and course of events in the literary piece. Example: Nearly all characters admit to feeling a strong sense of loneliness.
Idiom A set expression or phrase containing two or more words. Meanings vary by culture and country and are often native to a particular group. The figurative meaning is different from its literal meaning. Example: Blow their stake Bustin a gut Bum steer Canned