Causes of Reformation The Renaissance. Humanism led people to question Church authority as increasing faith was put in human reason. Strong Monarchs. A weakened church meant strong national monarchs could increase their power. Problems within the church. Corruption among church leaders. Increased fees for marriage, baptism and indulgences for the pardon of sins.
Protestantism In 1517 a German monk, named Martin Luther posted his famous 95 Theses against indulgences. Promoted radical idea that faith in God alone, not the Pope granted pardon for sins. Sparked Protestant Reformation. Followers of Luther’s beliefs were called Lutherans and---eventually----Protestants, because they protested Papal authority. A French priest, John Calvin, an influential reformer who also preached predestination started another protestant movement.
Martin Luther and John Calvin Ideas spread to Northern Germany and Scandinavia Ideas spread to France, Germany, Holland, England and Scotland
“Unless I am convicted by scripture and plain reason, I do not accept the authority of the popes and councils, for they have contradicted each other, my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will not recant anything for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. God help me. Amen.” Martin Luther’s defense at his Catholic inquisition, April 1521
Counter Reformation A reform movement also took place in the Catholic Church. The purpose was to strengthen the Catholic Church and keep Catholics from converting to Protestantism 1545 Council of Trent reaffirmed Catholic beliefs and worked to end abuses Ignatius Loyola founded the Jesuits. Jesuit missionaries helped spread Catholism around the world
Effects of Reformation Formation of Protestant Churches Loss of religious and political unity in Western Europe Religious conflicts sparked wars among the European states for over 100 years Anti-Semitism. Religious persecution increased, especially against Jews. Witch Hunts
Summary From the late Middle Ages feudalism continued to decline as kings, nobles and the Church struggled for power. A growing population and increase in trade led to a commercial revolution in Europe and a growing middle class. The Renaissance sparked a new way of looking at the world and the printing press helped new ideas such as the Reformation continue to challenge the old order. Nations began to unite under strong monarchs and nation states emerged.