Our Kindergarten Day Ms. Waterman’s Kindergarten Class Room 120 Time Schedule is subject to change Our Kindergarten Day Time Activity We are learning… 8:00-8:10 Morning work Students will be practicing previously reviewed standards. This is the time when all the students arrive and get settled in the classroom. 8:10-8:30 Essential Agreements Calendar As a class we will review our essential agreements to set the tone for the day. Each of the Essential Agreements contains instructions agreed to by the students. We learn math and language skills in context of our calendar. We build our oral language, phonics, and phonemic awareness. Songs are incorporated at this time. The students rotate as the “Calendar Helper”. 8:30-9:15 Morning Message / Writer’s Portfolio/ News of the Day/ and or phonemic awareness OR Writers Workshop The morning message is a time for our class to think about what is going to be happening during the school day, to reflect on an important event from the day before, or to discuss a meaningful upcoming event. At the start of the school year, I model and write for the students. However, as the year progresses, the students begin to take more ownership of this time and write the message with me in a shared writing or interactive writing format. Our message is very predictable and most students can quickly help say and/or write the first letters and high frequency or sight words such as 'is', 'the', and a student's name. Students get quite excited about being able to contribute! The students may also be given a short topic to write about where they will write a brief thought or idea. Students will learn through phonemic awareness how to manipulate sounds and learn spelling patterns. I will provide writing lessons that will guide the students as they make meaning in their illustrations and writing composition. Students write on a topic of their own choice (stories, letters, how to books, cards, make lists, etc.) 9:15-10:00 Guided Reading and Daily 5 This is when I pull small reading groups and provide reading instruction at each student’s individual ability. The students not meeting with me at the time will be practicing literacy skills in one of the Daily 5 activities (Read to Self, Word Work, Listen to Reading, Work on Writing, or Read to Someone). 10:00-10:30 Recess Students will exercise outside while socializing with friends. 10:30-11:45 Read Aloud Teacher will read picture or chapter books to students. 10:49-11:19 Lunch Students will eat lunch in the cafeteria. 11:25-12:15 Math The teacher will provide math lessons to the whole group. Students will then practice these particular skills with a partner and again individually. New skills are generally introduced at this time. 12:25-1:15 Ancillary Students will attend ancillary classes on a rotating basis (Art, Spanish, Dance, PE, Music– see below).
Our Kindergarten Day Continued… Time Activity We are learning… 1:15-1:45 Snack/Quiet time Students will eat a healthy snack. Studnets will also be able to choose to read books, rest or complete unfished work during this time 1:45-2:30 Social Studies/Science/IB Students will be engaged in science and social studies content during this time. IB is taught within the curriculum through the day but will be extended if needed during this time. 2:30-2:45 Daily Wrap / Reflection We will close our day with a refection of what we have learned and the importance of each activity. 2:45 Read Aloud Teacher will read picture or chapter books to students. 3:05 Pack up Kindergarteners will independently gather their items to go home. 3:15 Dismissal Students will walk to his/her appropriate dismissal area. Students will have books buddies with 5th grade on Fridays at 2:30 with Mrs. Berrens. Every other Wednesday we will have SCIENCE LAB from 1:20 – 2:10 Specialties classes are scheduled as followed: A Day – Art B Day – Spanish C Day - Dance D Day – PE (Your child should wear running shoes every D day) E Day – Music