AP 2-D Tips: Use standard sizes. Stay within the 8x10 size or larger, small pieces will have to be mounted. Use the highest resolution possible on your camera. Use a sketchbook to plan your artwork. Make several thumbnail sketches, jot down notes, glue in reference images, and do color studies when needed. Use last years or your new one that you will receive. Do not sign your name to the front of your work or place any identifying marks on the front as per AP Guidelines. Be sure to write your name on the back. Visit the AP Central website to see sample portfolios and to become familiar with requirements. https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/courses/ap-studio-art-2-d-design/portfolio Look at fine art! Visit the local art centers, galleries, art museums, and art festivals. Take your sketch book with you, render the work as well as write your response to it. It is a good thing to jot down your thinking process in your sketch book as well as draw in it. Search the Internet for artists dealing with the same interests as you. Study their work, life history, and influences. Take a camera with you as much as possible. Spend time experimenting in Photoshop. There is always something new and interesting to learn.
How the AP Studio Art Portfolio Is Scored FAQ: https://apcentral How the AP Studio Art Portfolio Is Scored FAQ: https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/courses/resources/how-ap-studio- art-portfolio-scored?course=ap-studio-art-2-d-design SCORING GUIDE: https://secure-media.collegeboard.org/ap/pdf/ap18-studio-art-sg.pdf
First Semester First Semester: During the first few weeks of the semester we will discuss the AP® course. Individual sections of the portfolio – Breadth, Quality, and Concentration – are discussed in detail. This includes examples from College Board work corresponding to each section of the portfolio using PowerPoint presentations. The student is encouraged to review images and instructions from the AP® Studio Art Poster. Assignments will predominantly be teacher initiated to develop the “Breadth” section of the portfolio pursuing understanding and demonstration of the principles of design: unity/variety, balance, emphasis, contrast, rhythm, repetition, proportion/scale, and figure/ground relationship. Discussions of subject matter, elements, principles, composition, technical skills in media, and conceptual approaches will develop student vocabulary and approach to 2D Design. Each assignment will require planning, revising, executing, experimenting, and reflecting. Practice in technique, and experimenting with approaches helps students develop strategies for forming and revising ideas and become more versatile in problem solving. First semester is a journey to lead the student to discover their own “voice” through a sampling of subjects, conceptual approaches, and experimenting with a variety of techniques in photography, and 2D media). Students are guided by both the teacher and their peers in group critiques that develop their use of composition, media skill, and communication of ideas. Through group critiques and teacher assessments students build their own self-reflection skills established in earlier art classes. Each student is expected to produce work that shows mastery in concept, composition, and execution of ideas. Students will begin working on ideas for their “concentration” in December (or earlier in homework exercises) to prepare for second semester where the focus of assignments turns to more individual pursuits. First semester culmination will include a drafted plan for a concentration.
TODAY: Breadth Planning/Research Search photo ideas and concepts for each element/principal You may list them, sketch them, type them, copy/paste pictures you found – MAKE SURE EACH ONE IS LABELED AND SEPERATED! Due Thursday 8/30