(This is not an instruction. Don’t go copying people.)
What is copy? Copy is any form of writing on a layout.
Types of Copy BODY COPY (or feature story) CAPTIONS
Rules of Captions write in third person don’t state the obvious BAD: “You should have seen so-and-so when they made this amazing catch during the football game last week.” GOOD: “So-and-so completes a one-of-a-kind catch during the September 1st football game.” only the first sentence is in present tense; all following sentences have to be in past tense don’t state the obvious BAD: “So-and-so is playing soccer in this picture. There’s a ball and they’re kicking it.” GOOD: “So-and-so celebrates victory after a particularly difficult game.” don’t insert your opinion (especially if it’s negative) BAD: “So-and-so sings a song during a show and it sounds pretty bad but people clap anyway.” BAD: “So-and-so performs in the latest theatre production. They’re a really good singer and everybody likes them.” GOOD: “So-and-so belts an emotional piece during Troupe 1234’s production of ------- .”
Rules of Captions avoid beginning captions with “grade, name” BAD: “Sophomore so-and-so takes a swing.” GOOD: “His eye on the ball, so-and-so takes a swing. As a sophomore, so-and-so is the highest performing player on the team, with his batting average last season at ##.” get extra details (if you can) these may include quotes, scores, dates, achievements, etc. BAD: “So-and-so sings a song in choir. Choir did really well this year at competitions and stuff.” GOOD: “During the January 2nd concert, senior so-and-so steps forward for her solo. ‘It was nerve-wracking, but a really fun experience,’ said so-and-so. ‘I’m grateful for it.’ She was able to accompany the choir to the Greeley Jazz Festival in May, where they placed third. specify who is where BAD: “Joe and Mike race really well.” GOOD: “Joe (left) and Mike (right) push to the finish at the October 12th cross country meet.”
Rules of Captions give credit where it is needed use hooks if the photo was not taken by somebody on the yearbook staff, you have to mention them by name FOR EXAMPLE: “So-and-so tackles a Cortez player during a game. (Photo by John Smith)” use hooks BAD: “Person A and person B have a conversation outside of the mall.” BETTER: “Taking a breather: Person A (left) and person B (right) share a moment while getting some fresh air outside of the Durango Mall as the Homecoming dance winds down.” and above all, write actively BAD: “Jake studies really hard before finals.” GOOD: “By the books: junior Jake diligently reviews his AP Chem notes one last time in the library before his final. He described the studying process as ‘challenging, but ultimately rewarding’.
Here’s a great caption...
Okay, now you try….
Okay, now you try….
Once your captions are done... A lot of times, editors will just change your writing to what they deem appropriate and not let you know how you could have improved. Our staff this year wants to emphasize really mentoring each and every one of you with your yearbook skills, so while I will be editing what you write, I will always tell you why. That way, the next time you write captions, you can think, “Oh! That didn’t work last time!” And your writing will (hopefully) improve.
How to get it to me? valdurant98@gmail.com Google Docs! do it. please. SUBJECT NAME PERIOD LAYOUT PG. # do it. please.