Project BCHB697
Project Web-application for exploring rare coding SNPs associated with a disease. Data sources (provided): UniProt human proteins with variant annotations dbSNP variants with (sub)population frequencies OMIM disease names and ids BCHB697 - Edwards
Project Transform and load data sources to 3NF relational data-model in MySQL Extract comprehensive protein and disease JSON documents using SQL selects and load to CouchDB. Construct static HTML page web-application to search and display protein and disease documents. BCHB697 - Edwards
Project Data sources: uniprot.csv omim.csv dbsnp.csv variation.csv Protein data omim.csv Disease names dbsnp.csv dbSNP population frequency variation.csv Link UniProt, OMIM, dbSNP accessions BCHB697 - Edwards
Project Transform and load data sources to 3NF relational data-model in MySQL Create conceptual, logical data-model Create physical data-model in MySQL Use OpenRefine, Excel, Python to create tabular data for loading to MySQL Use selects to create new derived tables if needed BCHB697 - Edwards
Project Extract comprehensive protein, variant, and disease JSON documents using SQL selects and load to CouchDB. Construct select for universal table for protein, variant, and disease. Generate JSON format output from selects or from export MySQL table. Use JSON_OBJECT and JSON_ARRAY functions Load JSON documents to Edwardslab CouchDB database name "project_<netid>". BCHB697 - Edwards
Project Construct static HTML page web-application to search and display protein, variant, and disease documents. Construct single file HTML display pages protein, variant, and disease documents from CouchDB based on URL parameter Construct single file HTML search pages for protein, variant, and disease, and result tables to issue and display result of CouchDB select. BCHB697 - Edwards