Magnetism 4th grade Science
Engage Create a circle map and write everything you already know about magnets Then- watch and take notes on what you observe
Notes Create a tree map labeled MAGNETS 4 Branches: Poles, Force, Magnetic Field, What Attracts
Explore Table Groups Designate roles: Direction readers Clean up Supervisors Handlers Note takers (what observations did you make?) When timer goes off- experiment STOPS Leave station how you found it
Observations What did you learn? What questions do you still have?
Explain…... Brain Pop Power Point Student book p. 576-579- take notes! Be ready to assess your learning!
Any object with magnetic force What is a magnet? Any object with magnetic force
Magnetic Poles The parts of a magnet where the magnetic force is strongest All magnets have two poles- a north and a south pole When two magnets come together, a north and south pole attract each other “Like” poles (north-north or south- south) repel each other
Magnetic Force The force that pushes magnets apart or pulls them together Magnets that are far apart do not push or pull enough to move each other. The magnetic force between two magnets is weak when magnets are far apart. The magnetic force gets stronger as the magnets are brought closer together.
Metals attracted: iron, nickel and cobalt What kinds of materials are attracted to magnets? What kinds of materials are not attracted to magnets? Metals attracted: iron, nickel and cobalt NOT attracted: copper, silver, gold, aluminum, magnesium….and more
Magnetic Field The area of magnetic force around a magnet This is how a magnet can attract or repel objects without touching them. Every magnet has a magnetic field around it. The magnetic field is strongest near the magnet’s poles. The magnetic field is weakest farther away from the poles.
Did you know? Our planet is a giant magnet. Much of the Earth is made of iron which creates a magnetic field that surround Earth. Long ago people noticed one end of a magnet pointed north so they called it the “north-seeking end”. The same happened with the “south-seeking end”. It was shortened to north and south poles of a magnet.
Let’s see what you know about magnets!
1. Magnets not only pull things, but they can also push things away. A. true B. false
A. true
2. The Earth is one big giant magnet. A. true B. false
A. true
3. Two magnets with like poles will _________ each other. A. attract (pull together) B. repel (push apart)
B. repel (push apart)
4. Two magnets with unlike poles will _________ each other. A. attract (pull together) B. repel (push apart)
A. attract (pull together)
5. Compasses always point in which direction? A. North B. East C. South D. West
A. North
6. The space around a magnet is called its ____________. A. electrical field B. baseball field C. magnetic field
C. magnetic field
7. Which metal will a magnet attract to? A. silver B. copper C. iron D. gold
C. iron
What did you learn? Ticket Out The Door -In 1-2 complete sentences, write what you learned about magnets and any questions you still have,
Do magnets work in water? Explain your answer based on what you know Extend Do magnets work in water? Explain your answer based on what you know