Why Blog? Writing is a path to self discovery. Express your interests Networking Commercial possibility You like writing. (Clearly)
Blogging VS… YouTube Facebook Twitter Instagram Pinterest
Choosing a Platform Research the differences between blogging platforms to suit your purpose Results are generally the same Wordpress, Tumblr, Weebly, Xanga, Blogger Click link on
Go to If you have Gmail, log in. Click New Blog If you do NOT, create a new Google account and sign up. Click New Blog If you need help, ask!
Starting Your Blog Topic Title/Domain Concept What do you like? What kind of tone will you set? Title/Domain Clever, memorable, informative Concept Always be yourself. Sample blogs on whsmultimedia
Enter your desired blog title and domain address. If you can’t think of one right now, just put your name for now. You can change it later. Start considering what type of blog you want this to be. Feel free to search up more sample blogs
Design & Layout Keep basic design concepts in mind Blogger is Typography Colors Format Blogger is customizable. Pictures and text posts
Blogger is very customizable Blogger is very customizable. Advanced options give you lots of flexibility, but for now, just choose a template you like.
Dangers of Blogging! Blogging is a great way to expand on your interests and learn more, but… Do NOT reveal personal information Address, phone number, SSN, passwords Some people even use pseudonyms Criticism and comments Plagiarism
Finding Readers Some blogs are inevitably more popular than others. Consistency and good content is key. Keep your posts interesting and honest. List is being passed around – master list will be on whsmultimedia.
Your First Post Be yourself – blogging is personal. Keep the length reasonable. 2-3 paragraphs for now. Remember that other people can read your posts.
Click on New Post and start writing! Prompt: Choose a personal blog and mimic one of their posts.