Leadership SIG annual meeting Welcome and intro Kristina Leadership SIG annual meeting AHRD- 2018 Richmond, va.
Leadership SIG Committee Laurie Brummitt Student Member-at-large, Ph.D Candidate Kristina Natt och Dag, Ph.D. Leadership Sig Chair Leadership SIG Committee Become a member! Welcome to the first The AHRD Leadership SIG Sponsored Webinar: Turning your class paper into a conference proposal. There are just a few housekeeping items to cover before diving in here, today. First I would like to take a min to explain a couple of features of the webex Webinar forum. (Audio, and Chat box). Second, we will hold questions to the end, but feel free to write them in chat box as they pop up- so we can catalog them and respond at the end of the webinar. Third, thank you for joining us today. If you are not a member of AHRD and are looking for a great scholar practitioner conference/organization to become a member of, please go to www.ahrd.org (I have typed in the chat box and is here on this slide as well). Now, let’s get started. I would like to introduce our very wonderful presenter , Dr. Tonette Rocco. Tonette S. Rocco is professor and graduate program director adult education and human resource development, and Director of the Office of Academic Writing and Publication Support, Florida International University. Dr. Rocco is an award-winning author, a Cyril O. Houle scholar in Adult and Continuing Education, and a recipient of the AHRD Laura Bierema Excellence in Critical HRD Award. She is editor in chief of New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development. Okay, thank you all again. Now I will turn it over to Tonette. www.ahrd.org Kathy Yeager, Ph.D. Scholar member-at-large Mike Kirchner, Ph.D. Practitioner Member-at-large
AGENDA 2018 Business meeting Welcome & Introduction 2017 Year Report 2017 Survey Results 2018 Program Future Ideas Research collaborative among members/SIGs Special Issue Leadership SIG Best Contribution Award Welcome & Introduction of Committee - SIG Charter update (need to bring a few copies) - other positions on the Committee to fill - Share survey results - Future ideas (special issue, award, mentor program) - Activities between meetings (here the idea would be to have the group work in smaller groups of 5-6 people and come up with what these activities would look like) - Walk around the room and put name and email under research topics ( as assembled through survey) to create joint research and collaborative groups. - SIG Leadership Mentor Program - collects names and who they would like to be their mentor/ or who wants to be mentors?
Purpose To provide a forum for leadership scholars, practitioners, and students within AHRD to discuss findings and emerging theories. To facilitate interaction and organize activities in the field of HRD that support the development of leadership.
Leadership SIG - Vision To become the leading provider of the most current leadership research, resources, programming, practices, and opportunities to engage AHRD members in dialogue and collaborative efforts to leverage leadership in the 21st century and beyond. I would say that it is important to understand where we are with this vision. Are we a leader in providing the most current leadership development research?
2017 Year report 14% increase in members Webinars: March: Panel with Dr. Susan Madsen, Dr. Steve Manderscheid, Dr. Lou Quast: Leadership trends and theories September: Meet the Editors: Publishing your academic work. Featuring Jon M. Werner, PhD, David McGuire, PhD and Michael Leimbach, PhD Calls for proposal AHRD 2018: FnT session: Building collaborations and support for graduate students: Expanding opportunities for leadership research PDW: Explore leadership development practice through engaging activities PDW: Explore leadership research through research collaboratories
2017/18 Plans Increase members in Steering Committee Establish Committee to write a proposal for a Leadership SIG award. Further stimulate collaborations between members: LinkedIn Research grid Joint conferences papers Leadership SIG blog Topic ideas for webinars Topics Scholars Series ideas (address webinar topics through a series approach) Kristina
Survey (January 2015- January 2018) Survey Monkey link List serve & LinkedIN January through February (4 weeks) Response rate: 194 members; 25 responses 13% response rate Laurie
What benefits do you expect to receive by being a Leadership SIG member? Networking with other leadership scholars and practitioners. Sharing best practices in teaching leadership. Research collaborations with other leadership researcher and practitioners. Stay current on leadership research and learn about emerging trends in leadership research. Stay current on professional development methods. Learn about best practices and ways to implement research results.
What activities would add value to your membership? Brief sharing of what each person is doing in teaching and research More opportunities to connect (socialize with other members) Possible webinar/meeting to share ideas. Presentations/workshops at the conference Sharing of latest research/publications on leadership More active listserv that shares what people are in various areas, like a newsletter. Embracing others to becoming involved in inner network. Forums for discussion of research, webinars to discuss leadership research developments Interaction with Leadership SIG members at Facebook group or LinkedIn. Online space to share/read ideas and/or research. Connecting with other scholars with similar interests, keeping up to date on leadership research, Being informed about publishing opportunities. Research opportunities, consulting/employment opportunities
What are your research interest(s) within Leadership?
Member engagement Seeking Steering Committee members Volunteer for webinars Volunteer for LinkedIn posts Scholarly writing collaborations Blogger Student focus Kathy
*In preparation for AHRD 2019 2018 Program FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN AHRD Specific Deadlines Submit work session prop.* Submit to 2019 conf. WEBINARS Scholar/ Practitioner X Google Hangouts /news letter Students OTHER Engagement Opportunities Award task force Coll. Grid.* Submit appl. award SIG Survey Publication Opportunities Proposal special issue ADHR Call for submissions 1st review 2nd review Kathy (all) *In preparation for AHRD 2019
WEBINARS Academic writing Students forum? March: Leadership theories (panel discussion) May: Academic writing Key note: TBD September: Students forum? November: New trends: Sustainable Leadership Key note TBD: Last year, this was our plan – may be something that we can go with for 2017 and just get people to sign up?
Scholar collaborations: Research Collaboration Grid Note name on list of research topics Adjust existing information Add additional topics of interest Kristina
Closing and Commitments for next year In preparation for AHRD 2019: Call for papers: June/JulyF Focus Sessions Professional Development Workshops/Roundtables Leadership SIG award Research collaborations across institutions/ practitioner-scholars Leadership SIG blog Kristina
Thank you!