Higher History Work for 25/1 You should have planned your K, A, A+ for your essay You should have found four relevant historical sources Now – start writing your paragraphs using the template on the next slide
Writing your paragraphs TS – One important factor in … was … K: Start with your knowledge points. New point, new sentence. It should be chronological. A: Add your Analysis and Analysis +. Try to use ‘On the one hand…On the other hand’ S: Add your sources. Use the structure below; Historian Name said ‘quote’. This shows that… i.e. AJP Taylor said ‘Only the Great Depression put the wind in the Nazi’s sails.’ This shows that the Great Depression greatly helped the Nazis in achieving power. The Liverpool Daily News headline on 21st October 1908 said ‘PENSIONERS REJOICE’. This shows that pensioners were grateful for the money offered by the Liberals. (primary source) (The book name will go on your resource sheet) Take a new sheet for every new paragraph!