August 16, 2018 English IV
Remember the Thesis Statement Formula Opposition (Although, Even though, Sometimes. . . however) Opinion (avoid “I”) Reasons (give at least two really strong, solid reasons)
Thesis Example
Know This! You have three short quizzes tomorrow. They will all be average together into one quiz grade. ONE of them will require you to type and turn in on your thesis statement (which should be a correctly constructed compound- complex sentence just like the examples we have reviewed and practiced in class). We will discuss the other quizzes when we reach the grammar portion of our lesson today.
In Class Debate You all gave me some interesting topics to debate, and I anticipate debating all of them eventually. Since we are just beginning with this, I want to start with something that is (hopefully) non- incendiary. Today’s topic is. . .
Debate of the Week Cats v. Dogs
Cats v. Dogs WRITE: On a blank piece of paper or on a page that already has notes on it, jot down your ideas on this topic. Title your jottings: “Debate 1 – Aug. 16” Jot for two minutes. Start NOW!
Cats v. Dogs SPEAK: If called on, speak loud and clear (be assertive) and use respectful language. Access the provided frames if needed. Limit your speech to 1 minute for today. LISTEN: While your classmate is speaking, be. . . still silent thoughtful
ACT / Quiz Practice: Fragments / Structure Although Jonathan has lost his trumpet. he can still practice with the mouthpiece. Which is correct? lost his trumpet. He can lost his trumpet, he can lost his trumpet: He can lost his Trumpet. He can
ACT / Quiz Practice: Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement Erica has just told me that someone left their instrument in the band hall. Which change BEST corrects the sentence without changing the meaning? some people left their instrument in the band Erica left their instrument in the band her instrument in the band someone left his or her instrument in the band
The other quiz… The other quiz will have questions similar to what we just reviewed, and, like last week, it will be on Edmodo. What was the first quiz we talked about today?
Ancient Texts / Grammar & Honors Review Work with your team on the assigned story. Even if you have not yet finished the vocabulary and reading warm-ups, you need to go ahead and begin reading the story with your team. See the provided rubric for how the test grade (Major Project 2) will be scored If I call your name, please come to the small group table to go over grammar from last week or the honors schedule.
Choose one person from your group to speak. Student Teachers Choose one person from your group to speak. Tell the class what you read about in your story today. Use super speaking and listening skills.
Homework Study roots: someone . . . his or her Mary . . . her Continue to work on your career-debate paper. It is a good idea to go ahead and develop your thesis statement so that tomorrow you are simply reviewing / editing and turning it in. Study sentence structures. Simple Compound Complex Compound-Complex Study pronoun-antecedent agreement someone . . . his or her Mary . . . her John . . .his Study roots: geo dyna derma chromo bio astro anthrop agri
Also Your Poetry Analysis Paragraphs are graded. If you know how to check your feedback on at home, do so this afternoon or tonight. If not, I will review this with you tomorrow as soon as we finish with the root of the day.