Unit 7: The Great Depression 2.11.16
A Note on Writing From your Chicago Race Riots paragraphs: Evidence must be cited. There are a couple of ways to do this: You can put the name of the author at the end of the sentence (McCarville). According to McCarville, “you may also put it into the sentence itself.”
A Note on Writing From your Chicago Race Riots paragraphs: Direct quotes need to have quotation marks. If your citation comes before the quote, “the period goes inside the quotation marks.” If your citation comes after the quote, “the period goes after the citation” (McCarville).
A Note on Writing From your Chicago Race Riots paragraphs: Follow directions of the assignment, this one asked for 3 pieces of evidence.
A Note on Writing From your Chicago Race Riots paragraphs: Capitalization! First word of a sentence Names & titles No contractions. Do not write don’t.
A Note on Language
What caused the most severe economic crisis in American history? Chapter 30 (p.335-341) Use the chapter to complete the information on the worksheet. Answer questions in COMPLETE SENTENCES.