Why Take College Courses Now? Save $$$$ - ECS is FREE for LISD students - Students pay for textbooks; scholarships available based on financial need Get a jump-start on college - Can take 12 courses from ACC junior & senior year; 2 classes per semester for 6 semesters = 36 college credit hours! - Most ACC classes are transferable to other colleges/universities Earn dual-credit (high school AND college credit) Challenge yourself and Graduate with lots of College Credit! Take interesting classes! Earn Advanced Measures for the Distinguished Graduation Plan (Grades of B or better) Meet Texas Scholars Requirements (2 courses eligible for college credit)
Who Can Take ACC Classes? Students who have completed 10th grade and have met College Readiness standards may begin taking courses summer following sophomore year.
What classes should I take? (these are only some examples!) College Course High School Credit US History II US History Intro to Speech Communication Applications US Government Government Macroeconomics Economics English Composition I & II English 3 or 4 American literature English 3 British Literature English 4 US History I Special Topics in Social Studies Intro to Psychology Psychology
ECS + Option ECS students can choose what to take, when you want to take it…FLEXIBLE ECS+ = during Fall & Spring semesters, enroll with a cohort of students in specifically outlined courses
24 hours of college credit Benefits of ECS+ Planned for you = less headache Freedom in summers (take classes or not) Can earn 24 college credits, 5 high school credits (you would only earn 4 high school credits if sitting in a normal high school class…maximizing time & brain power) Classes at Leander = no transportation hassle Mrs. Wood makes sure it will work around your high school schedule & graduation requirements 24 hours of college credit Save $16,263 at an in-state university Save $1,992 at a community college (Tuition & Fees) What do I need to do to be an ECS+ student? Complete steps 1-5 on the ECS checklist – See Mrs. Wood Class availability is based on first-registered – so be ready!
ACC ECS+ Junior Program ACC COURSES OFFERED AT LEANDER HIGH SCHOOL The following courses will be offered as a sequence and will take-up 2 periods in your students schedule. Courses will be held during 3rd/7th periods with C-Lunch. Fall Semester Spring Semester High School Credits College Credits Junior Year ENGL 1301: English Comp I w/ American Lit ENGL 1302: English Comp II English III – 1 credit 6 hours HIST 1302: U.S. History II SPCH 1311: Intro to Speech U.S. History – 1 credit Comm. App. – ½ credit Senior Year ENGL 2322: British Literature HIST 1301: U.S. History I English IV – 1 credit Special Topics in Social Studies – ½ credit GOVT 2305: U.S. Government PSYC 2301: Intro to Psychology Government – ½ credit Psychology – ½ credit
Want More Information? See Mrs. Wood in the College & Career Center OR Tuesday, February 10th LHS Little Theater 2 presentations at 6:00pm OR 6:45pm You do not come to both, pick one!