Jessica Harster Favorite Color: Blue Favorite Food: Ice Cream Favorite T.V. Show: Gilmore Girls Favorite Season: Fall Favorite Subject: English Favorite Book: “Tuesdays with Morrie” Favorite Place: the beach Favorite Song: “Better Together” by Jack Johnson Favorite Activity: Relaxing Favorite Person: My mom Favorite Holiday: Christmas
My Personal Number Museum Birthday: 7-21-86 Height in Inches: 67 Time you were born: 7:44 Phone Number: 904-608-4214 Address Number: 3069 Favorite Number: 7 Shoe Size: 9
My Special Event My special event was when I went on a cruise for the first time to the Bahamas this summer with two of my best friends.
5 Things I Want My Class To Know About Me I’m a goof. To say I love chocolate is an understatement. I will talk to anyone about anything. I play piano and am obsessed with music. My family and friends mean the world to me.
My Three Goals 1. Not stress out too much. 2. Make A’s in all of my classes. 3. Find a good balance between work and play.