Science Technology Engineering Mathematics STEPS: What is it? STEM Education provides the opportunity to teach students what to do when they do not know what to do, how to process and take action in new and uncomfortable situations, and how to understand, interact, and lead in the jobs, communities, and world in which they live. Who will it work for? These strategies will work for anybody! What does it help student overcome? STEPS: Ask 2.Imagine 3.Plan 4.Create 5.Improve STEM frequently engages the senses, particularly vision and hearing. Therefore, helping the visual and hearing impairments as well as communication disorder with teamwork based work. STEM is integrated and advances all subjects. While programs may be effective in one, two, or three of the areas, they will need to show attributes and gains in all four areas for designation.
Ways to Incorporate in Teaching: Trampoline STEM Challenge Ways to Incorporate in Teaching: When incorporate STEM strategies into teaching there are various ways you can do this… Design group talks/ think alouds Visual representation Systematic & Explicit Instruction Peer Collaboration Self instruction Graphic Organizers Relates To : Real World Application, Problem Solving, Hands On, Differentiated Instruction, Cooperative Learning, Access Creativity, Failure, Higher Level Thinking, Active Engagement For Example: Egg Drop Project Ask themselves “What are they trying to accomplish? Imagine what they would like there design to be. Plan out what the group thinks they would like best each have their own drawing and then come up with one idea together. Then create the project, test it. Record information. Make improvements to have a successful project. Resources: A.J. (n.d.). Education Week American Education News Site of Record. Six Characteristics of a Great STEM Lesson (n.d.). Edutopia | K-12 Education Tips & Strategies That Work. Strategies for Embedding Project-Based Learning into STEM Education | Edutopia. (n.d.). Videos, Common Core Resources And Lesson Plans For Teachers: Teaching Channel. Strategies For Teaching STEM In Middle School.