Check your answers using the following slides Immune worksheet pg 33-34 Salk article pg 35-39 AIDS lab pgs41-43 Typhoid Mary pgs 29-32 Immune Review page 55-56
Pg 33
Pg 33 Pg 34
Pg 34
Pg 35 Time
Pg 35 Pg 36
Pg 36
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Pg 42 Yes If any person comes in contact with bodily fluids of an infected person, they can contract HIV Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV is the virus that causes AIDS
The T-cell count has not been reduced enough to be considered AIDS Pg 42 Attacks T-cells, destroying them and leaving your body vulnerable to pathogens The T-cell count has not been reduced enough to be considered AIDS They die from common illnesses that their body can no longer defend them against anymore due to a weakened immune system Blood and sexual secretions
Sexual intercourse Intravenous Drug use Pg 42 Sexual intercourse Intravenous Drug use No Blood test from a doctor Antibodies to HIV More likely to contract air-born pathogens, do direct contact required AIDS/HIV must have direct contact of blood or sexual secretions with an infected person
Dinner with Typhoid Mary Pg 29 Dinner with Typhoid Mary Ridgley Ochs Newsday Typhoid Mary They came down with Typhoid fever Bacteria- Salmonella typhi
Spread through water and food supplies Pg 29 Spread through water and food supplies Headaches, loss of energy, upset bowels and high fever Pg 30 The water supply was cleaned Mary Mallon, the cook for the family
Pg 30 At some point she had a mild case of Typhoid which was carried by her and spread even though she never became ill Over the last10 years she worked for 8 families and 7 of the 8 had Typhoid outbreaks She changed her name to Mrs. Brown and started working as a cook again- where she spread Typhoid to at least 25 people
Disease causing organism, “sickness maker” Pg 55 Disease causing organism, “sickness maker” ability of a body to fight infection through the production of antibodies or cells that inactivate foreign substances or cells Markers on a membrane that triggers an immune response Made by the body in response to an antigen Genetic mutation in a cell that causes uncontrolled cell division Preparation that provided active acquired immunity to a particular disease
Physical and Chemical barriers- Skin, mucous membranes, stomach acid Pg 55 Bacteria Fungi Viruses Parasites The immune response has been stimulated and the body is fighting off some type of infection Physical and Chemical barriers- Skin, mucous membranes, stomach acid Inflammatory Response Specific- security guard, Recognize, attack, destroy and remember
Passive is borrowed and it is temporary (from your mother) Pg 56 Passive is borrowed and it is temporary (from your mother) Active is the body producing its own antibodies or Killer T cells to attack an antigen Memory cells are produced after the first attack, allowing the body to respond much faster the next time you are exposed They prime the immune system by providing the body with a weakened form of the pathogen that has the antigens to elicit an immune response, creating memory cells An overproduction of histamine in response to an otherwise harmless substance
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Pg 56 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome HIV- Human Immunodeficiency Virus The immune system is so weakened that it can not defend the body against everyday pathogens The new organ has antigens on the surface that the body will recognize as foreign, and try to destroy it. Medicine is given to suppress the immune system and stop this from happening