Jennifer Rodriguez TB610-60 Assessment Jennifer Rodriguez TB610-60
What is Assessment? The evaluation or estimation of the nature, quality, or ability of someone or something. Bachman (1990) identifies three fundamental concepts: Measurement Test Evaluation
Measurement Attributes are: Quantification - deals with the process of assigning numbers to performance results Characteristics – physical or *mental (aptitude, intelligence, motivation, language proficiency, and academic knowledge Procedures & Rules – process through which the quantification of student characteristics is conducted *Crucial for ELL teachers to know the procedure and rules (large-scale content area test) ***Deny ELLs access to accommodations***
Test According to Bachman (1990) defines tests as “a measurement instrument designed to elicit a specific sample of an individual behavior” For example: Content area tests Educators can make inferences regarding the mastery of all the standards.
EVALUATION According to Bachman (1990) – is the collection of “reliable and relevant information” Teacher-generated narratives and checklists Provides a more comprehensive picture of students and their abilities.
The Categories and Assessments Intention Informal – are spontaneous comments to students’ performance Example: Teacher says, “Good job” Formal – are systematic Example: Tests, quizzes, or term paper ELLs preferably should have portfolios and journals as a more comprehensive ways of formally assessing content objectives.
The Categories and Assessments Purpose Summative - measures the product Example: Final exam at the end of a course, statewide/nationwide test Formative -focuses on the process of learning Example: Self-evaluations or peer evaluations
The Categories and Assessments Interpretation Norm-referenced – student’s score is compared to the scores of a give group, or the norm Example: Terra Nova, Supera Criterion-reference – evaluate students in terms of mastery of the course content Example: High-stakes standardized tests – PARCC Partnership for Assessment of Readiness of College and Careers
The Categories and Assessments Administration Classroom-based - Limited to classroom Can be formal and informal Tests that are administered at end of unit, student portfolios, teacher checklists and narratives, class projects, (self- and peer) evaluations Large Scale - delivered at the state or national level are usually created by external agencies and take the form of standardized tests
A Model for Assessing ELLs in the Content Areas Base assessment on class activities. Adapt assessments to match ELLs’ language proficiency level. Use state-approved accommodations. Emphasize the best accommodations. Make grading procedures relevant, culturally sensitive, and available before assessments.
Validity: Does the assessment measure what it is suppose to measure? When developing or evaluating assessments, teachers should use the following questions… Validity: Does the assessment measure what it is suppose to measure? Reliability: Does the assessment generate consistent results over time and among different groups of students? Practicality: Is the administration of the assessment reasonable in terms of time and cost? Equivalency: Does the assessment connect with the curriculum and class activities?
When assessing ELLs, teachers should take into account ELLs’: large diversity in language background wide range of proficiency in the students’ native language and in English, paying close attention to their academic language proficiency in both languages different degrees of formal schooling in the students’ native language and in English, a range that can drastically influence the rate of academic language acquisition in English experiences with standard testing acculturation to US mainstream culture
Work Cited Mihai, F. M. (2013). Assessing English Language Learners in the Content Areas: A Research- into-Practice Guide for Educators. University of Central Florida, FL: University of Michigan Press