Democratic Republicans 1801- 1828 (Era of Good Feelings 1815- 1828)
Revolution of 1800 1st Democratic Republican President- Jefferson 1st peaceful change of political power Few BIG changes to law/ government 12th Amendment: Marbury v Madison (1803): Cut taxes and cut the military
Debated Issues Louisiana Purchase: Strict Interpretation vs. national security Not in Constitution to use taxes to buy territory Neighbors on western border could be a threat/ close New Orleans?!?! Results: $15 mil debt doubled size of the US 50,000 Fr.+ Sp. in US US control of the Miss. River + New O. removed Fr+ Sp. from immediate border Lewis and Clark to look for NW Passage est. precedent for buying land in future
Debated Issues War of 1812 Were the “causes” Justified? Is the prepared for war again so soon?
Debated Issues War of 1812 Causes: Course: Results:
Debated Issues 1816– Bank of the US chartered New tariff to protect manufacturing McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) 1820– Missouri Compromise: 1824- The American System:
McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) “The federal government, though limited in its powers, is supreme within its sphere of action.” “The federal act to set up the Bank of the United States is constitutional.” “The tax law passed by Maryland is unconstitutional.” … states can’t tax federal institutions … increases the power of the Federal government
Democratic- Republicans in decline Division on regional issues Economic sectionalism/ candidates with regional followings 1824- Corrupt Bargain: Second Party System:
Foreign Policy International Treaties Monroe Doctrine (1823)- Establish borders (Canada) Rush- Bagot treaty and the Anglo- American accords Expand territory and trade LA Purchase and the Transcontinental treaty (FL) Keep out of war Treaty of Ghent Monroe Doctrine (1823)-
Monroe Doctrine- 1823 “The American continents… are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers…” “We should consider any attempt on their part to extend… to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety.”
Foreign Policy Insert map of the US after LA Purchase By 1820, we have control of much of North America Q: What will happen next? Insert map of the US after LA Purchase