Getting Started Guide National Adaptations 19.5.2019 Getting Started Guide National Adaptations The Marrakesh Treaty in Action Helsinki 12 March 2019 Kirsi Ylänne, IFLA LPD & Celia, Finland Twitter: @kirsiylanne
Getting Started The Guide is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence (CC BY 4.0) You are free to copy, distribute, translate, adapt and make commercial use of the work Provided that any use is made with attribution to IFLA, WBU and EIFL
Language versions English French Spanish Russian IFLA webpage Getting Started - A Guide for librarians
National adaptations National adaptations to legislations in certain countries Spain (in Spanish) Croatia (in Croatian) Sweden (in Swedish)
A Finnish adaptation (pdf file) First a direct translation from English into Finnish Adaptation into Finnish context by Celia Library Reference to the Finnish copyright act Some suggestions of good practices Gathering comments from Finnish librarians Re-editing the text Publishing the first version today Next: Read the guide and start working! Questions and comment to Celia.
Thank! Kiitos! Email: Twitter: @kirsiylanne