Greek Art Introduction Periods Painting Pottery Sculpture Architecture Malaspina Great Books
I Mycenae Lion Gate c. 1350-1200 BC Introduction
Mycenaean “beehive’ tomb
The "Agamemnon" Mask from Tomb V at Mycenae 16c. BC Introduction The "Agamemnon" Mask from Tomb V at Mycenae 16c. BC
Pheidas’ Athena Parthenos 2002 – Nashville Replica Introduction Pheidas’ Athena Parthenos 2002 – Nashville Replica
Parthenon replica - Nashville Introduction
Introduction Pheidas Zeus 5th c. BC
Doric: Temple of Zeus at Olympia Introduction
Status of Zeus
Phidias Workshop
Plan for Temple of Zeus - Perseus
Temple of Zeus Ruins
Lincoln Memorial
Lincoln Statue
Periods Archaic: 1700 BC - 500 BC Classical: 500 BC - 323 BC Hellenistic: 323 BC - 30 BC Classical: Head of Blond Youth
Archaic Period Influence: Ancient Egypt c. 2600 BC Periods Archaic Period Influence: Ancient Egypt c. 2600 BC
Archaic Period Influence:Mesopotamia c. 2700 BC Periods Archaic Period Influence:Mesopotamia c. 2700 BC
Periods Archaic: Kouros c. 650 BC
Periods Archaic: Kouros
Periods Archaic: Kouros
Periods Archaic: Kore & Kouros
Archaic: Kore Periods
Periods Archaic: Kore
Archaic: Kore from Acropolis and Painted Kore Periods
Early Classical 1: Aristodikos Kouros, c. 500-490 B.C. Periods Early Classical 1: Aristodikos Kouros, c. 500-490 B.C.
Early Classical 2: Kouros from the Acropolis, c. 490 B.C. Periods Early Classical 2: Kouros from the Acropolis, c. 490 B.C.
Early Classical 3: Kritios Boy, c. 480 B.C. Periods
Early Classical 4: Blond Boy, c. 480 B.C. Periods Early Classical 4: Blond Boy, c. 480 B.C.
Early Classical 5: Athena from the Acropolis, c. 480 B.C. Periods
Early Classical 6: Warrior from the Temple of Aphaia at Aegina (W) Periods Early Classical 6: Warrior from the Temple of Aphaia at Aegina (W)
Periods Early Classical 7: Fallen Warrior from the Temple of Aphaia at Aegina(E)
Early Classical 8: Archers from the Temple of Aphaia at Aegina. Periods
Periods Classical: Zeus
Classical - The Charioteer of Delphi, Delphi c. 470 BC (left) Periods Classical - The Charioteer of Delphi, Delphi c. 470 BC (left)
Classical: Youth of Anticythera Periods
Classical: Youth of Marathon Periods Classical: Youth of Marathon
Classical: Polyclitus Periods
Hellenistic: Aphrodite and Satyr Periods
Hellenistic: Poseidon of Melos Periods
Hellenistic: Boy Jockey and Horse Periods
Minoan c. 1700 BC Painting
Painting Minoan c. 1700
Painting Minoan fresco c. 1700
Prehistoric: Wall-painting of Ladies and Papyri I
Prehistoric: Wall-painting of Ladies and Papyri II
Prehistoric: Wall-painting of Ladies and Papyri III
Painting Stoa at Athens
Model of Agora with Stoa in Foreground at Athens Painting
Reconstruction of Agora Painting Reconstruction of Agora
Painting Wall Paintings in Tombs at Kazanlak Thrace (Bulgaria) 4th c. BC
Painting Niobid Krater
Painting Niobid Painter I
Painting Niobid Painter II
Painting Niobid Painter III
Pottery Niobid Krater
Pottery Achilles Painter
Pottery Andokides Painter
Apulian Painter Pottery
Pottery Berlin Painter
Pottery Choephoroi Painter
Pottery Euphonius Painter
Pottery Makron Painter
Melian Painter Pottery
Pottery Sophilos Painter
Sculpture Myron Discobolus c. 485
Sculpture Myron Athena
Sculpture Phidias Athena 438 BC
Phidias? Man with Helmet Sculpture Phidias? Man with Helmet
Polyclitus Doryphoros (Spear carrier) 440 BC Sculpture Polyclitus Doryphoros (Spear carrier) 440 BC
Polyclitus (Roman Copy) Sculpture Polyclitus (Roman Copy)
Belvedere Apollo (Roman copy) Vatican Museum Sculpture Belvedere Apollo (Roman copy) Vatican Museum
Praxiteles – Aphrodite of Cnidus c. 340 BC (Roman Copy) Sculpture Praxiteles – Aphrodite of Cnidus c. 340 BC (Roman Copy)
Praxiteles Hermes bearing the infant Dionysus Sculpture Praxiteles Hermes bearing the infant Dionysus
Hellenistic: Venus of Melos (Milo) c. 100 BC Sculpture Hellenistic: Venus of Melos (Milo) c. 100 BC
Hellenistic: Aphrodite Kallipygos (Roman Copy) Sculpture Hellenistic: Aphrodite Kallipygos (Roman Copy)
Laocoon and his sons c. 175-150 BC Vatican Museum Sculpture Laocoon and his sons c. 175-150 BC Vatican Museum
Architecture Model of Parthenon
Architecture Ionic
Erechtheum on Acropolis in Athens c. 421 BC Architecture Erechtheum on Acropolis in Athens c. 421 BC
Ionic: Temple of Apollo at Didyma Architecture Ionic: Temple of Apollo at Didyma
Ionic: Temple of Athena Nike – Acropolis Athens c. 427 BC Architecture Ionic: Temple of Athena Nike – Acropolis Athens c. 427 BC
Architecture Doric
Doric: Parthenon - temple of Athena Parthenos Architecture Doric: Parthenon - temple of Athena Parthenos
Parthenon Architecture
Parthenon Architecture
Doric: Temple of Athena Architecture Doric: Temple of Athena
Architecture Doric: Temple of Hera
Architecture Corinthian
Corinthian: The temple of Zeus at Athens 2nd c. BC Architecture Corinthian: The temple of Zeus at Athens 2nd c. BC
The temple of Zeus at Athens Detail Architecture The temple of Zeus at Athens Detail
Architecture Delphi
Architecture Epidarus