After learning about NAFTA the last two days, do you think it’s a good or a bad idea? Why? Warm Up
NAFTA Writing Assessment
Objective I am learning about NAFTA. This means that I will be able to identify patterns of trade between places based on resources.
Task You are to take the NAFTA Assessment quietly and individually. You may use your spiral notebook to help you on this assessment. This assessment is to be done QUIETLY and INDIVIDUALLY!! Any talking will result in a zero for your grade and not retake.
Once you have finished the assessment, you will choose any 1 of the following to write about on a separate sheet of paper. DUE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE PERIOD TOMORROW! 1. How is NAFTA likely to affect the poor in Mexico? 2. How is NAFTA likely to affect the environment? 3. Which groups are likely to benefit from NAFTA? 4. Will NAFTA tend to create jobs in the USA or eliminate them? 5. Will Mexico benefit from NAFTA? 6. How is NAFTA likely to affect the number of Mexicans immigrating to the USA?