LOTF Lesson 1
Quick Write What was your favorite experience in the last 10 days? Why? What is something that you take for granted that you would really miss if you were stuck on a desert island? If you were trapped on a desert island and you could bring one object, what would it be? Why would you choose that object and how would you use it to help you on the island?
Our next class novel will be William Golding’s Lord of the Flies Our next class novel will be William Golding’s Lord of the Flies. This is a book about survival. It’s about what happens when a group of students are stranded on a desert island with no adults and left to fend for themselves and survive. To build our own prior knowledge and understanding of what the characters in the book experience, we’re going to participate in an activity in which we put ourselves in the shoes of the characters in the book. We’ll be breaking into small groups and working together to figure out what few items you would keep if you were in a plane crash, what rules you would live by, if any at all, and what consequences you would have if rules were broken. Each group will have one speaker present their plans to the rest of the class. At the end of the activity, ask students to answer the following questions:
If you were trapped on a desert island and you could bring one object, what would it be? Why would you choose that object and how would you use it to help you on the island?
Group Activity
Independent Reflection 1. What was difficult about choosing so few items to survive upon? How did you decide which items were most important? 2. Do you feel like your group had a strict set of rules? If yes, why did you feel the need to have strict rules? If no, why did you decide to be more open and flexible? 3. If your group had strict rules, explain what possible problems could result from having strict rules? If your group had more flexible rules, explain what possible problems could result from having too much freedom and flexibility. 4. How would you enforce your group’s rules? What would you do if some of your teammates refused to follow the rules that you agreed upon