Macbeth “Willy the Shake”
Background Plot for Macbeth based on Raphael Holinshed’s Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland Real-life Macbeth reigned as King of Scotland from 1040-1057 James I (6th of Scotland) believed himself to be a direct descendent of Banquo, a key figure in the play, so he is portrayed as one being beyond reproach James wrote a text called Demonologie
Shakespeare may have been drawn to the play, in part, due to, Gunpowder Plot of 1605 – extremist supporters of the Catholic Church, with the help of Guy Fawkes, a soldier of fortune, to blow up the king and Parliament
Tragic Hero A character, usually of noble status Hamartia – “error or failure” – false steps that lead the protagonist to his/her downfall. * fatal character flaw(s), such as hubris – excessive pride * errors in judgment / ignorance * or forces beyond human control, such as fate Experience a reversal of fortune (peripeteia)that leads the protagonist to have a recognition of his/her fall Tragic hero must discover/realize his reversal brought about by own actions (anagnorisis – “a change from ignorance to knowledge)
Drama terms Soliloquy – character, alone on stage, who delivers a speech to the audience revealing his/her inners thoughts to the audience Monologue – character, in the company of others on stage, makes a long speech Aside – Character’s comment that is direct to the audience or another character, but is not heard by any other characters on the stage Blank verse – unrhymed iambic pentameter Irony: dramatic, verbal, and situational
Foil – a minor character whose attitudes, beliefs, and behavior differ significantly from those of the main character Catharsis: “cleansing/purging” of emotion Denouement – the clearing up or untying of the complications of the plot in a play, usually a final scene in which mysteries, confusions, and doubtful destinies are clarified Major thematic concepts: appearances vs. reality, blind pursuit of power, human events mirrored in natural world, fate vs. free will, psychological effects of guilt Major images: blood, plant, animal, milk, clothes, dark/light