OBJECTIVE The actor must find out what his/her character “wants” in order to solidify the motivations behind the character’s actions and emotions (goal).
MOTIVATION A character’s individual desires or goals which propel them into action. The reason behind a character’s behavior.
OBSTACLE A force opposing a character’s objective which gives rise to dramatic tension and conflict.
TACTICS A calculated action made by one character to get an action or reaction from another (example: guilt)
STAKES The circumstances which make the prospect of failure a serious problem and success the ultimate goal.
BEATS The smallest division of action in a play. A very short pause.
BLOCKING An actor’s movement around a set, or the notations regarding movement in an actor’s script.
CUE Last word or action before your line or action; signal for next line, sound effect, light change, etc.
STAGE DIRECTION Script instructions for movement, emotion, lighting, sound, etc. Usually in parentheses.
SUBTEXT The unspoken thoughts and motives of your characters – what they really think or believe.
SCRIPT The written copy of a play.
GIVEN CIRCUMSTANCES The total set of environmental and situational conditions which influences the actions a character undertakes.
SENSORY MEMORY Remembering how an action or object felt, looked, smelled, sounded or tasted.
OBSERVATION “People watching” in order to know more about a character in order to play a role.
“ILLUSION OF THE FIRST TIME” How an actor makes it sound like he/she is thinking up the words they are speaking for the very first time.