Verdad o Falso en VSW Se permite comer en la cafetería. Para respetar a los maestros, los estudiantes prestan atención. Se prohíbe comer en el gimnasio. Se prohíbe llegar a tiempo a las clases. En la cafetería se prohíbe usar los móviles. Se permite correr con tijeras en la biblioteca. Es necesario tener los materiales necesarios para cada clase. Se prohíbe dar un discurso en las clases. Se permite usar la cinta adhesiva en las bocas de los maestros. Se prohíbe entrar en la oficina a las once de la mañana. VERDAD VERDAD VERDAD FALSO FALSO FALSO VERDAD FALSO FALSO FALSO
LEEMOS: reading strategies Break it down! Read a few sentences at a time and write down the main ideas. (EVERYONE WRITES!) DO NOT translate word for word! Try to get the main ideas! If you see a word that you don’t know, try to figure it out based on the context clues. If you can’t figure it out SKIP IT! DO NOT INTERUPT OTHERS (a.k.a. native speakers) TO ASK THEM WHAT THINGS MEAN!!!! YOU DO NOT NEED TO KNOW EVERY SINGLE WORD TO GET THE MAIN IDEAS!!!
LEEMOS: COLEGIO ALKOR Work with your compañero, you both write! Don’t write on the article. Each person, take GOOD notes on a separate sheet of paper as you read. Be prepared to answer some questions! Your teacher will share them after most students have finished the reading. Write your answers on your own paper. Be prepared to discuss school rules & expectations at Colegio Alkor and comparisons to VSW. You will be required to turn in YOUR OWN notes and answers to the questions!
PREGUNTAS: COLEGIO ALKOR True or False: Write answers on your own paper! This school has some students your age. At this school, the students do lots of projects and presentations. The rules don’t say anything about bringing materials to class. At this school the students can use their cell phones in the entrance. The students at this school wear uniforms. This school values student effort and work ethic. Grades are the most important part of learning at this school. Teachers at this school generally teach through lecture.
PREGUNTAS: COLEGIO ALKOR List five important values that the school tries to instill in each student: List five things/activities that are prohibited at this school: List five behaviors/activities supported by the rules:
DISCUSSION: COLEGIO ALKOR Raise your hand to share an answer in ENGLISH! What does VSW have in common with this school? What are some differences? Make sure to write your name on your notes and turn them in!
PREGUNTAS: COLEGIO ALKOR True or False: Write answers on your own paper! This school has some students your age. At this school, the students do lots of projects and presentations. The rules don’t say anything about bringing materials to class. At this school the students can use their cell phones in the entrance. The students at this school wear uniforms. This school values student effort and work ethic. Grades are the most important part of learning at this school. Teachers at this school generally teach through lecture. VERDAD FALSO FALSO FALSO VERDAD VERDAD FALSO VERDAD
PREGUNTAS: COLEGIO ALKOR List five important values that the school tries to instill in each student: List five things/activities that are prohibited at this school: Effort, discipline, motivation to learn, responsibility, creativity, innovation, cooperative learning, quality, work done well, social and environmental responsibility, healthy habits for eating and playing sports Cell phones or other electronics that distract students Discrimination Activities that impede learning Eating or drinking outside of the cafeteria or patio Falsifying school documents
List five behaviors/activities supported by the rules: Attending class Being on time Paying attention in class, taking notes, and asking questions Respecting authority (teachers & others) Caring for the school building Finishing assignments on time Bringing necessary materials to class Wearing the school uniform and keeping proper personal hygiene