Beginning Questions How do governments interact with other nations? How do the choices made by these governments affect their citizens? Give examples.
US Foreign Policy
What is foreign policy? The strategies and goals that guide a nation’s relations with other groups and countries in the world The long-term goals remain the same The short-term goals change depending on what is happening in the world
What are examples of foreign policy? Trade sanctions or embargos What countries do we have trade restrictions against? Why? Aid for countries experiencing natural disasters Where have we sent help?
What are the goals of US foreign policy? 1. National security Preserve the security of the US Protect our borders against invasion or control by foreign powers This is a fundamental goal because no nation can achieve any further goals if it is under attack It includes policies about: Arms control Terrorism Weapons of mass destruction
What are the goals of US foreign policy? 2. Free and Open Trade Maintain trade with foreign nations Employ Americans (ex-US farms and factories need to sell their products in int’l markets) Preserve access to natural resources we need Maintain peaceful relationships with other countries Typically, the US supports “free trade”- no import/export restrictions
President Harry S. Truman—“The Truman Doctrine,” 1947 “I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures. I believe that we must assist free peoples to work out their own destinies in their own way…I believe that our help should be primarily through economic and financial aid which is essential to economic stability and orderly political processes.” President Harry S. Truman—“The Truman Doctrine,” 1947
What are the goals of US foreign policy? 3. World Peace The US works for peace because it helps avoid outside conflicts and aids national security Sends economic aid to at-risk countries Our national security depends on our ability to maintain peaceful relations with other nations
What are the goals of US foreign policy? 4. Promoting Democracies US helps other nations create democratic political systems We believe it is the best and freest political system Reduces chances of armed conflict Examples- many formerly Communist nations became democracies in the 1990s 5. Concern for Human Rights We encourage basic human rights for all people around the world US provides food, medical supplies, and technical assistance to victims of disaster This aid also serves the strategic interests of the US to maintain political stability and promote friendship
Choose one of the current event articles provided and decide which foreign policy goal the US is working toward. After you identify the goal, assess the extent to which the US is achieving its goal.
How has foreign policy shaped history? With a partner, decide which goal/s dictated foreign policy for each of the following events. Think about the situation before the event, the reasons we got involved, and the outcome. 1. Panama Canal 2. WWII 3. Cold War (hint- think about all the ways we were involved around the globe) 4. War in Iraq 5. War in Afghanistan
Respond to this question with a well-written thesis (1-2 sentences) that restates the question, provides a clear answer, and gives reasons supporting your answer. Before Pearl Harbor, the US practiced a policy called isolationism. Would it ever be possible for the US to return to isolationism?