All about Michelle Obama By Ana- lisa
Introduction Michelle Obama is the first lady. Michelle’s childhood was fun. Michelle was a lawyer. Now she is becoming a role model.
Childhood Michelle Obama’s childhood was fun. She was born in Chicago. Michelle always goes to parties. Michelle Obama knows a lot of French. Michelle really liked her French teacher. She will never ever try team sport games.
Michelle’s Family Michelle’s family has an interesting life. Michelle’s parents ancestors were slaves. Michelle’s sister is a poor sport. Michelle was born in the south side of Chicago. Michelle’s grandfather was facing difficulties that people had. Michelle’s family lived at the cinder block house. Michelle got married to Barack Obama.
Before being president Before Michele was the first lady, Michelle Obama was a lawyer. When Michelle graduated she passed the bar exam. Michelle likes challenging assignment things. Michelle Obama says speeches at the DNC like Martin Luther King Jr.
As first lady What Michelle does as the president’s wife is a awesome thing. Michelle started a whirlwind of the activities. Michelle Obama’s house is very stylish and has a lot of popular cultures. Michelle Obama has to visit all the United States cabinets. Michelle supports the military’s families. Michelle is going to becoming a role model. How much do you know about her?
Conclusion I think it is amazing to be a first lady. She gets to travel around the world and do many things. She’s a great role model for young girls.
Sources Michelle Obama books Fact monster. Com