Vice Provost, Old Dominion University Cyber Business Roundtable CCI IMPLEMENTATION Brian K. Payne, PhD Vice Provost, Old Dominion University Cyber Business Roundtable
STRUCTURE: HUB Hub Management of CCI Network Business Development Facilitate showcases, meetings, etc. Commercial innovation enhancement programs Lead develop of standard policies, etc. Track metrics and economic landscape to support CCI reporting Develop CCO annual report Support development of Node plans Coordinate and host Leadership Council, Tech Advisory Board, and Expert Review Panels
STRUCTURE: Regional Nodes Concentrated CPSS research program with expertise in subarea Hire faculty to support Space for hosting researchers Co-working spaces for partners Build partnerships Offer professional certs and courses Regional ecosystems aligned with CCI goals Partner with Hub and other nodes Build regional capabilities Strengthen CPSS with subarea focus Partner with innovation programs to support industry co-locations Facilitate internships Grow degree production
GOVERNANCE VRIC Source of funding, ensures accountability and provides feedback External Review Panel Technical experts providing independent review of progress Tech Advisory Board Industry and government leaders providing advice Leadership Council Leaders of nodes and Hub Develops policy Advises on focus areas Reviews metrics Creates roadmaps
GOVERNANCE CCI Hub Leads development of standard agreements and shared resources Engages stakeholders to understand/influence cyber workforce Convenes panels to review proposals for funding Data housing Develop annual reports Regional Nodes Convenes higher education institutions for partnerships Facilitates regional engagements Lead institution acts as fiscal agent Aligns resources and programs with regional goals and deliverables
REGIONAL NODE CERTIFICATION by VRIC Commitment to cyber workforce development 50 percent of recent budget degree production in data science and tech dedicated to cyber Commitment to innovate and align curricula with industry standards Commitment to experiential learning Commitment to CCI Research Ability to contribute to CPSS research Commitment to regional ecosystem Engaging institutions Identifying director Commitment to CCI network Sharing data and information Commitment to IT standards
PROGRAMS IN BUDGET Network portal Entrepreneurship programs Market research Curriculum alignment Holistic industry partnership development Workshops Supporting active faculty research Faculty recruitment Co-Op 2.0 Intern Stipends
TIMING Phase I (FY2019-2020) Hire CCI Executive Director, research director, and hub team Develop strategic plans and certify nodes Build CCI Network Portal Begin pursuing holistic business partnerships Host research roadmap showcase Establish Tech Advisory Board, Leadership Council, and External Review Panel Rent and upfit space in NOVA to incubate Hub Hire faculty to support Hub Upfit regional nodes Begin to normalize curricula within nodes
Our immediate step in Hampton Roads Apply for Node Certification Higher Education Institutions Involved: Old Dominion University Norfolk State University William and Mary ECPI Regent Christopher Newport University Virginia State University Tidewater Community College Thomas Nelson Community College Paul D. Camp Community College
Institutional Investment Language from RFP: This part documents the “plan for institutional investment” required as a component of certification by the language in the Virginia budget that created CCI, along with any investments committed by partner entities. The General Assembly required that certification occur first, prior to any request for state matching funds. Therefore, a regional node must commit funds first during the certification process, then later apply to VRIC for money to match the committed funds and additional funds secured after certification. Any source of funds is allowed (e.g., state funds, remaining funds in start-up packages for recently hired cybersecurity faculty or researchers who will be members of the node, remaining grant funds for ongoing research projects that fall within the scope of the node, the portion of the node director’s salary and benefits paid by the institution(s), value of in-kind activities at partner organizations, cash contributions from partners, etc.) The investment does not have to be new (see examples above) Ongoing investments potentially could count when a request for matching funds is made to VRIC
Hampton Roads Cybersecurity Node Node Executive Committee Academic Curricula Committee Research Collaboration Committee Experiential Learning Committee External Partnership Committee Institutional IT Security Committee
Duties/Responsibilities Committee CCI Objective CCI Goal Duties/Responsibilities Node Executive Committee OBJ 1: Build world-leading research and innovation capabilities 1.1: Establish critical mass of nationally recognized CPSS researchers 1.2: Build industry and government partnerships to focus, scale, and sustain research 1.3: Establish a Commonwealth-wide platform for CPSS research 1.4: Develop an ecosystem of CPSS research, education, and entrepreneurship Develops policy and budget; creates strategic plan; advises on focus of research programs and priorities; advises on evolution and focus of educational programs; reviews key metrics; coordinates with CCI hub and other regional nodes; chaired by the Node Executive Director OBJ 2: Help close the Commonwealth’s workforce gap in cybersecurity 2.1: Cultivate and support meaningful experiential learning opportunities 2.2: Enhance the pipeline of students entering higher ed cybersecurity programs 2.3: Align curricula of higher ed programs with cybersecurity industry needs 2.4: Increase number of students graduating from higher ed Research Collaboration Committee Academic Curriculum Committee Experiential Learning Committee External Partnership Committee Institutional IT Security Committee Advises the executive committee on IT related policies and/or concerns; ensures Node activities do not violate IT security of host institutions and are compliant with all IT policies and procedures; evaluates purchase of software/hardwire prior to installing into existing networks
Commercialization Internships Business Partners WE NEED THEM!! Research Commercialization Internships
Contact Information Brian K. Payne ( Mike Robinson (] John Costanzo (