Macdonald World History Early Democracy Macdonald World History
Early Greece Early Greece series of small, independent city-states No single ruler Each city-state had its own gov’t Athens biggest city state
Athens Around 300 BC, developed 1st democracy Adult male citizens who owned land could participate in gov’t by electing nobles to rule Still not full democracy
Solon Around 600 BC, new leader named Solon in Greece Took steps to open gov’t to more ppl (made it more democratic) Outlawed slavery based on debt Est. classes of citizenship based on wealth – all could vote All free adult males were citizens Any person could accuse another of wrongdoing Still only 1/10 of ppl could participate
Pericles Later, another ruler named Pericles made more changes Increased paid officials Paying jurors More ppl could now be involved in gov’t Although all ppl couldn’t participate, GREECE IS KNOWN AS THE WORLD’S 1st DEMOCRACY!
Greek Philosophers During Solon’s time, many thinkers used logic and reason to learn about the world Believed all ppl could use reason & therefore share ideas (necessary to a democracy)
Greek Philosophers Socrates – encouraged students to question what they believed (by asking hard questions) Plato – wrote The Republic – argued best gov’t one ruled not by richest, but by philosopher kings – who were wise Aristotle – wrote Politics – believed it was human nature to live w/ rules under a gov’t
Early Rome ROME = REPUBLIC = REPRESENTATIVE During the early Roman empire, a series of kings ruled Around 509 BC, developed into first republic ROME = REPUBLIC = REPRESENTATIVE
Roman Republic Expanded the right to rule to citizens through written laws called the Twelve Tables Est. idea that all citizens had right to be treated fairly – same laws applied to all Est. gov’t w/ 3 branches incl. legislative branch to make laws called Senate
Greek & Roman Influences Write a paragraph that explains how Greece and Rome influenced the United States government. What specific practices did we borrow from the early Greeks? The Romans?