New England/Northern Religion Puritans Separatists/non-Separatists Antinomianism
New England/Northern Predestination Visible Saints
Southern Cash crops Plantation Slavery Slave codes
Middle Diversity Dutch/Swedes mixture
“Old Netherlands at New Netherland” Netherlands rebelled against Spain 17th century (1600s)- major naval power East Indies
Henry Hudson 1623-24- New Netherland along Hudson river
New Netherlands “bought” Manhattan Island Founded for profit/no liberties aristocratic/feudalistic Conflicts with Indians: Wall Street
Threats to New Netherland 3/4ths New England Confederation wanted to invade Swedes invaded, small settlement
1644: Charles II granted the area to his brother Peter Stuyvesant not happy (ironic), can’t do anything Area then English
Dutch contributions Names Easter eggs Santa Claus Waffles Sauerkraut Bowling Sleighing Skating Golf
Quakers Mid-1600s Religious Society of Friends Did stuff to offend English people and Church
Lifestyle Hated war, refused military service Passive resistance No swearing - oaths
Pennsylvania William Penn Advertisements Bought land from Indians Kind but backfired
Pennsylvania Liberal Representative assembly No tax-supported state church Freedom of religion Did not like slavery Blue laws
“The Middle Way in the Middle Colonies” NY, NJ, DE, PA Soil fertile, land broad→ bread colonies Fur trade Rivers → water wheels → manufacturing Lumber, shipbuilding Middle-sized farms diversity