By: Monica Mendez Niah homyak DOWN SYNDROME By: Monica Mendez Niah homyak
Characteristics Low muscle tone Flat facial features Upward slanted eyes Small skin folds on the inner corner of the eyes Small, abnormally ears Hyper flexibility Extra space between the big toe and the second toe
Gene or chromosome disorder? Down syndrome is a genetic disorder the reason is because during conception they have one extra chromosome. Because of this they will have 47 instead of 46 chromosomes. Therefore, they will develop differently. The factor causing the disorder isn’t explain. Woman pregnant over 30 have a higher chance of having a child is high. Its neither dominant or recessive its autosomal.
How its detected Its detected at birth. Here is examples: A flat facial profile, flat nasal bridge and somewhat small nose Almond shaped eyes with epicanthal folds A small mouth with a slightly enlarged tongue A big space between the first and second toe Small broad hands with short fingers and a little finger that curves inwards. A single palmar crease on their hand Reduced muscle tone (hypotonia) which results in floppiness
Born with? Occurs most in males or females? Can you be born with Down syndrome? No… just kidding, yes you can be born with it it’s the only way you can get down syndrome. Most common in males or females? Its evenly sorted out that males and females have Down syndrome
Population of affected individuals? About one in every 800 American babies is born with Down syndrome
Mortality rate? Has 10% of survival 26-37% of all Downs Syndrome children aborted in the U.S. Overall abortion rate is about 25% 1 out of every 4 pregnancies ends up being terminated via abortion.
Treatment? No known treatment If person with Down syndrome that has seizures they would take anti-seizure medicine People with thyroid problems take thyroid replacement hormones If baby has a heart defect they will be followed by a heart specialist If they have a hearing problem they will be followed by an audiologist They also have surgical treatments 40% of children with Down syndrome have congenital heart defects.
Interesting facts!!! There are 3 types of Down syndrome - the most common (about 95% of cases) is nondisjunction which is a 3rd copy of the chromosome in every cell Down syndrome is not related to race, nationality, religion or socio-economic status. Down syndrome occurs in about 1 in 800 live births.