Test Material Processing & Security Training 2019 Spring SBA and WCAS Administration This PPT was created to support training of staff that support state testing. Please supplement with information specific to your district and schools. Template Training for School and District Staff This presentation contains a script in the notes section. If you are accessing this information with a screen reader, be sure you are reading the notes section as well as the text contained in the slides. Published April 1, 2019
Acronyms Assessment Support AIR American Institutes for Research MI Measurement Incorporated OSPI Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Assessments SB Smarter Balanced WCAS Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science Manuals, Guidelines, and Documents PIRG Professional Standards and Security, Incident, and Reporting Guidelines TAM Test Administration Manual TCM Test Coordinators Manual TSBP Test Security and Building Plan Full Definitions and Acronyms list at: http://wa.portal.airast.org/ (search word Acronyms) User Roles DC District Test Coordinator DA District Administrator SC School Test Coordinator TA Test Administrator As we move through this slide deck, there will be times that acronyms are used instead of fully displaying the name of a system or material. This slide displays the common acronyms and definitions used throughout this presentation. There also is a Definitions and Acronyms document posted to the WCAP Portal, at the address listed in red on this slide. You can also perform a quick search by entering the word “Acronym” into the search field. Systems ARMS Assessment Reporting Management System TIDE Test Information Distribution Engine WAMS Washington Assessment Management System
Spring 2019 Important Dates Administration Grade Paper Test Window Material Due in District A/O Schedule Ship Material to MI Security Reports Due Spring Smarter Balanced 3–8 4/15 – 5/24/19 4/1/19 4/2 – 5/10/19 5/31/19 WCAS 5, 8 Spring Smarter Balanced OGL 10–12 5/3 – 5/24/19 4/22/19 4/23 – 5/10/19 11 When paper testing, it is important that districts and schools follow the state mandated paper testing and material return schedule. This includes all testing with alternate forms. Additional Order schedules are available on the WCAP Portal in the General Information section.
Material Chain of Custody MI ships materials to districts DCs inventory materials & check out to SCs SCs inventory materials, prepare for testing, & check out to TAs TAs inventory materials & check out to individual students TAs collect & inventory materials, prior to releasing students. Return materials immediately to SC SCs inventory materials & return to DC with School Site Administration Security Report DCs inventory & process materials per the TMPS PPTX. Return to MI on mandated schedule This slide provides a quick overview of the secure materials chain-of-custody for DCs, SCs, and TAs.
Material Receipt and Processing In this section, we will cover receiving and processing of test materials.
District Receipt & Processing of Materials Box #1 contains the Return Kit and may also contain other administrative material and secure test materials. It is important to identify this box to ensure that materials are processed appropriately. The District and the School Packing List(s) from box 1 should be used to sort boxes by schools and to verify receipt of all materials. Boxes for school use will include the school name and be numbered sequentially. Do not open shrink-wrapped packages that are not intended for immediate use. Follow instructions in your TSBP for district procedures and chain of custody for secure test materials. District Box 1 Contents Box List District Security Checklist District Packing List Copy of School Packing Lists Return Kit Box #1, with the Return Kit, may also contain other administrative material and secure test materials. It is important to identify this box to ensure that materials are processed appropriately. The Return Kit from box 1 includes scorable and non-scorable return labels, FedEx return shipping labels, and shipping instructions. The district packing list contains the test booklet serial numbers in ranges. This will help to track booklets that are delivered to schools and retained in district. Boxes for school use will include the school name and be numbered sequentially. If an anomaly in quantity is noted or materials are damaged, be sure to communicate this immediately by completing a Test Material Variance form within the Assessment Reporting Management System (ARMS). To help identify the test booklet to a student, MI has created a Security Checklist Roster in Excel format that is available through the TIDE “Orders” tab, under the “Track Shipments” tab. Shrink wrapped packages of test booklets should not be opened unless they are in need of immediate use. The MI shipping boxes that your materials arrived in need to be retained, as they must also be used for return shipment of your materials. Prior to delivering materials to schools, verify that the SC’s have been fully trained on the procedures in the Test Security and Building Plan, also referred to as the TSBP, for chain-of-custody of test materials. This includes provisions for locked, secure, overnight storage of test materials.
School Receipt & Material Processing Test material boxes are labeled with the school name and numbered sequentially. The School Packing List from box 1 is used to verify receipt of materials. School Box 1 Contents Box List School Packing List School Security Checklist Pre-ID and Blank Labels Return Kit Once materials have been verified SCs should: Sort materials according to the district approved test sessions and attach student labels to test booklets. Follow instructions in the TSBP for school procedures and chain of custody for secure test materials. Not distribute secure test materials to TAs until just prior to each testing session. Verify TAs have been trained and understand procedures outlined in the school’s TSBP for chain of custody of secure test materials. We will now cover the school’s receipt of secure test materials and the material processing steps. When test materials are delivered to you, the boxes will be labeled with your school name and numbered sequentially. Box 1 contains administrative materials that include the Box List, School Packing List, Security Checklist, student labels, and the Return Kit for material processing. It is important to locate the serial numbers of all secure material sent to your school and verify accuracy of quantities against the security checklist. If an anomaly in quantity is noted or materials are damaged, be sure to communicate this immediately to your DC. Shrink wrapped packages of test booklets should not be opened unless they are in need of immediate use. The Return Kit from box 1 includes student pre-ID labels and/or blank pre-ID labels that districts can use to print labels directly from TIDE. Do Not Score labels are also included in the kit. The MI shipping boxes that your materials arrived in need to be retained, as they must also be used for return shipment of your materials, so do not recycle the boxes. Sort materials according to your district approved test sessions and attach student labels to test booklets that are identified for student use. Follow instructions in your TSBP for school procedures and chain of custody for secure test materials. This should include a process for checking materials out to TAs and verification that all materials have been returned. Secure test materials may not be distributed to TAs until just prior to each test session and they must be returned at conclusion of each test session. Prior to delivering materials to TAs, verify that the TA’s have been fully trained on the administration of state assessments and the procedures in the Test Security and Building Plan, also referred to as the TSBP, for chain-of-custody of test materials. This includes provisions for checking out materials to each student and verification that materials have been returned prior to releasing the student.
TA Receipt & Material Processing When receiving test materials just prior to the current test session, TAs should verify that the SC has: Provided material quantities to support the number of students in their session. Provided ancillary materials approved for the test being administered. Placed a student Pre-ID label on each booklet. Follow instructions in your TSBP for school procedures and chain of custody for secure test materials. TAs should have a process in place for tracking the materials checked out to students and for inventory of materials prior to release of students. This includes clearing the calculator memory. TAs should not distribute test materials to students until just prior to beginning the session. We will now cover the TAs receipt of secure test materials and the material processing steps. When collecting test materials, just prior to the current test session, you should verify that your SC has provided the appropriate pre-identified test booklet and ancillary material quantities to support the number of students in your session. Inventory materials at the time of pick up so that you can immediately resolve any discrepancies. Follow the instructions in your TSBP for procedures and chain of custody for all secure materials. This includes any ancillary materials once they have been distributed to students within your test session. Have a process in placed for tracking any materials passed out to students in your test session. This will assist you when collecting and accounting for materials from each student, prior to releasing the student from the test session. Have all student responses from WCAS paper booklets been entered into DEI? Immediately return test materials to the SC, at the end of each test session, and in accordance to the TSBP.
Preparing Materials for Return to MI This section covers preparing materials for return.
Responsibilities for Material Return Role Responsibility TA Prior to excusing students, account for all materials and clear all calculator memories Enter all student responses to the WCAS assessment into the DEI system Promptly return test materials to the SC SC Process ancillary papers, according to state and district policy Verify placement of student pre-ID labels Follow your Test Security and Building Plan for procedures for materials handling and return of materials to the DC, and MI DC Investigate and report any missing materials using a Testing Incident Report in ARMS. Schedule material pick up date Retain the 15 digit tracking number on the bottom of the label for tracking purposes TA Responsibilities: Prior to excusing students from the testing session Collect and account for all test materials passed out to each student in support of the test session. Clear all calculator memories. Return test materials to the SCs according to guidance in the Test Security and Building Plan. SC Responsibilities: Ensure all materials checked out to TAs have been returned. Immediate inventory of materials is important, a missing booklet can be immediately noted and retrieved. The roster can be used in support of this collection. Remove ancillary papers from test booklets. Ancillary papers will not be scored and may cause damage to scanners. Ancillary materials must be securely destroyed. Verify placement of Do Not Score and pre-ID student labels on the covers of test booklets. This is critical to ensure that MI processes booklets appropriately. DC Responsibilities: Ensure all materials checked out to SCs have been returned. Missing materials generate security reports that will require DC action. Document missing materials by submitting a Testing Incident Form via ARMS. Note any missing materials on the District Administration and Security Report. Schedule material pickup date. Return shipments must be scheduled early enough to meet the return 5 business days after each school’s test administration ends. Materials must be ready for pickup by 8 a.m. Material return kits include return shipping labels. Pack materials according to the directions in this training. Be sure to write down the tracking number from the bottom of the shipping labels. Track your return shipment online at www.fedex.com or by calling 1-800-463- 3339. Materials must be returned no later than five days at completion of each school’s test administration window. If testing into the last week of the state window, materials must be returned no later than the dates listed in the “Ship Material to MI” column outlined on slide 3.
Secure vs. Non-Secure Materials Test & answer booklets Accessibility forms (large print, Braille, Spanish) WCAS Science TA Script of Student Directions ELA Listening Transcript SECURE Materials that must be returned to MI TAM Unused Return Shipping Labels NON-SECURE Materials that can be recycled Test tickets & student pre-ID labels Scratch and graph paper Materials with secure information that must be securely destroyed Secure Materials must be returned to MI. This includes: Test and answer booklets; Accessibility forms (large print, Braille, Spanish) WCAS Science paper-pencil TA Script of Student Directions ELA Listening Transcript Non-secure Materials can be recycled at the end of the state test administration windows. This includes the: Test Administration Manuals; Return Shipping Labels. Ancillary Materials with Secure and Student Identifying Information must be securely destroyed. This includes: Test tickets Unused student pre-ID labels Student scratch paper
Handling Defective/ Damaged Booklets Steps for processing damaged materials. SC Actions: Document test booklet security barcodes Provide TA with a new booklet Verify completeness of transcriptions Band both booklets together for DC processing DC Actions: Return damaged booklet with non-scorable materials Return transcribed booklet with scorable materials Report damaged materials via the Test Material Variance form in ARMS. Proper reporting of damaged materials helps to ensure test security and validity of student results. When processing Defective materials: SC responsibilities include: Providing a new test booklet for transcription, when possible. Verifying student responses have been transcribed from the defective booklet into a clean booklet. Retaining the security bar code number from the defective test material. The Roster from TIDE is a good resource for capturing this information. Packaging the damaged booklet and the booklet with transcription for delivery to the DC. DC responsibilities include: Submitting a Test Material Variance form in ARMS for defective materials that are returned to MI in non-scorable boxes. Return the booklet with transcription in the box to be scored.
Handling Biohazard Materials Steps for processing biohazard materials SC Actions Provide TA with a new booklet for transcription Verify completeness of transcriptions Document test booklet security barcodes Package biohazard booklet in large plastic bag DC Actions Report biohazard material to OSPI via a Test Material Variance form submitted in ARMS Securely destroy biohazard material. Proper reporting of biohazard materials also helps to ensure test security and validity of student results. When processing Biohazard Material please do not return material with bodily fluid, such as blood or vomit, to MI. SC responsibilities include: Providing a new test booklet for transcription, when possible. Verifying student responses have been transcribed from the biohazard test booklet into a clean test booklet. Packaging the biohazard booklet in a large plastic bag for delivery to the DC for secure destruction. DC responsibilities include: Submitting a Test Material Variance Form in ARMS for test material with biohazard waste that will not be returned to MI. Securely destroying the biohazard material. Do not return biohazard materials to MI
DEI Entry for WCAS tests Student responses for WCAS paper pencil tests must be entered into DEI, so we will now go over DEI entry and transcribing. Smarter Balanced ELA and math tests are not entered into DEI
WCAS DEI Entry: DC, DA, SC Tasks Before Testing Transcriber training: Complete all TA training and paperwork Read and follow the guidelines in Appendix D of the GTSA Read the Training TA Say script Student test settings in TIDE: All paper forms: Test Mode => Science => Paper Braille: Embedded Accommodations, Presentation => Braille OSPI recommends the TA do the transcription of student responses into DEI. If another staff person does the transcription, that person will need to complete all of the TA training and paperwork, and read and follow the guidelines in Appendix D of the GTSA, Scribing and Transcribing Guidelines. The items in DEI need to be treated just as securely as test items in the secure browser. Students taking a paper-pencil test need to have their Science Test Mode changed from the default of “online” to “paper” in TIDE. The students using the Braille form also need to have their Embedded Accommodation, Presentation, set to Braille. Check to make sure the settings are correct by logging into the DEI system, entering the student information on the login page, and seeing what the Available Tests page looks like.
WCAS DEI Entry: Available Tests Page This is what the Available Tests page in DEI should look like prior to any entry of student responses. The text says "start" before the name of the test. If the test is not showing in the Available Tests, check the Test Mode in TIDE. After you have verified the test is available, log out of the system. Do not touch the start arrow. Leave that for the TA when they start the student entry.
WCAS Paper-Pencil: During Testing TA uses the secure TA Say Script to administer the test: What to say during testing. Reminders about Locking Items. Guidance for DEI entry of each item. Students have a test booklet. Students record answers/responses in their test booklet. During the test…. TAs use the secure TA Say Script that comes packaged with the booklets to administer the test. This secure TA Say Script contains text for what to say during testing, tells the TA which items are Locking Items and how to handle those, and provides special guidance for DEI entry of each item. (This TA script must be used for all paper-pencil WCAS forms, even the Spanish paper version, because of the Locking items.) Students only have a test booklet, which should have a pre-ID label on it. Students record their answers directly into the test booklet.
WCAS Paper-Pencil: After Testing Spanish booklets do not get put into DEI. TA transcribes student responses from standard-print, large-print and Braille into DEI. After all the student testing is done, the TA (or another trained transcriber) must go into DEI and transcribe the responses from the student’s test booklet into the DEI. As part of the login process, the TA (or trained transcriber) will need to Choose a Test Form. If entering responses for a Braille booklet, choose the form that ends in “BRL.” If entering responses for a standard-print or large-print booklet, choose the form that ends in “ENU.” If the system says the form is not available for the student, then the settings need to be adjusted in TIDE.
WCAS DEI Entry: DC, DA, SC Tasks After Testing Confirm that DEI entry has been completed before packing and shipping materials. The Available Tests page in DEI will show “inactive” and “no more opportunities” for the test when entry is complete. Before packing up materials, confirm in DEI that all the entry is complete. Log into the DEI system, enter the student information on the login page, and then look at the Available Tests page. If all the entry is complete, the text will say "inactive" and "no more opportunities for this test.“ The arrow will still be the dark color, but the lighter color will be greyed out and won’t be able to be selected. If it says “Start” or “Resume,” more item entry is needed.
WCAS Paper-Pencil: After Testing (continued) All used, Spanish test booklets must be shipped back to MI as scorable. All of the other test booklets, and the secure TA Say Script, are shipped back to MI as non-scorable. Make sure all student booklets have a pre-ID label attached. After all the checks have been done, all Spanish test booklets with student responses must be shipped back to MI as scorable. All other test booklets and the secure TA Say Scripts are shipped back to MI as non-scorable. Make sure that pre-ID labels are attached to all the booklets.
WCAS DEI Entry: Verifying Entry All booklets will be checked upon arrival in MI warehouse. If the booklet is not entered into DEI, MI will send it back to the district for entry. When the booklets arrive at the MI warehouse, a series of checks will be conducted to make sure that the student responses in standard print, large print, and Braille booklets were entered into DEI. If they were not entered, MI will ship the booklets back to the district for entry.
WCAS DEI Training & Guidance DEI User Guide DEI Training Module Training TA Script & Secure TA Say Script Test Materials Processing Training Training on how to use the DEI is available in a Module that is posted to the Portal. There is also a DEI User Guide posted which has the most up to date screenshots and information. There is a TRAINING version of the TA Script posted to the Portal. This is for TAs to read ahead of time, to familiarize themselves with all the details. When administering the test to students, and when entering into DEI, you MUST use the secure TA script that comes with the booklets. There are grade-specific tables in this secure version with “specific item information” to use both during testing and during DEI entry.
WCAS DEI Support & Troubleshooting Fix the settings in TIDE. Chrome and Firefox work best with the items. Do not use Internet Explorer. Pause the test if you have issues. Contact the AIR Help Desk for technology issues. For content based issues, email the content team with “DEI support [dist name]” The most common issue with DEI is getting the tests to show on the Available Tests page for the student. If the test is not showing, you will need to go into TIDE and change the student’s test settings. Chrome and Firefox are the best browsers to use with DEI. Do not use Internet Explorer, as some of the WCAS items do not work in IE. If you have other issues while entering responses, please write down the session ID number and pause the test. It’s easier to get back in to a paused test. For technology issues, please reach out to the AIR Helpdesk for assistance. If you are having content based issues, please email both Kara Todd (kara.todd@k12.wa.us) and Dawn Cope (dawn.cope@k12.wa.us) with “DEI support and your district name” in the email subject line. Please provide the grade levels you need support with, and when the best times to contact you might be. DO NOT provide information about the issue, the items, or the student names/SSIDs in the email. Either Dawn or Kara will contact you and help you work through the issue. Again, please do not put any student or item information in the email.
Processing Materials for Return This section will cover the steps of processing materials for return.
Processing Materials for Shipment Remove all ancillary papers for secure destruction. Enter all WCAS student responses in DEI. Separate scorable from non-scorable materials. Organize scorable test booklets by content, then grade. Scorable booklets are placed in boxes with green scorable labels. Record each box and the total number of scorable boxes on the labels (1 of __, 2 of __, etc.). Non-scorable secure test materials are placed in boxes with a red non-scorable label. Record each box and the total number of non-scorable boxes on the labels (1 of __, 2 of __, etc.). Document the serial numbers on each box of return materials for tracking. During this final test material processing stage it is important to account for secure materials to ensure that all materials have been returned. When sorting materials you will need to verify that: All ancillary papers are removed and securely destroyed; and that Scorable materials have been sorted from non-scorable materials. Scorable test booklets are separated by test content, such as ELA or math and then by grade. Verify that each scorable test booklet has a student pre-ID label. Test booklets without pre-ID labels or with hand-written information will not be processed. If additional student labels are needed, they can be printed from TIDE. Materials identified to be processed for student score results must be returned under the green scorable label. Scorable test booklets should be packed securely in the return shipping boxes that your materials arrived in. For WCAS, only the Spanish test booklets will be returned under the scorable label. Non-scorable materials do not require a unique sort. Non-scorable test booklets should be packed securely in the return shipping boxes that your materials arrived in. Materials identified as non-scorable must be returned under the red non-scorable labels. For WCAS, all student responses from standard, large-print and Braille test booklets MUST be entered into DEI and then returned under the non-scorable label. Scorable and Non-Scorable Return Shipping Processing Record each box number and the total number of boxes on the labels. You may want to document the test booklet barcode numbers that are packed in each box. This is especially useful should materials be identified as missing on the state level material security report that is generated MI.
Preparing Boxes for Return Return materials in the boxes they arrived in Use current administration shipping labels If additional labels are needed, contact the MI HelpDesk Retain your tracking number from the bottom of the Return Shipping Label DCs are responsible for scheduling the pick-up date Materials must be returned no later than 5 business days at completion of each school’s test window To ensure that test material boxes are prepared for FedEx pickup, you will need to: Return your shipment using the shipping boxes that your materials arrived in. Other boxes may be used if they are of equal or greater strength. Copier paper boxes and boxes used for food transportation should not be used for return of test materials. Remove or black out any old shipping labels and the original shipping barcode. Use cushioning materials, if needed, to prevent materials from shifting. Seal boxes securely with shipping tape. Use pre-printed ground return labels provided in your return kit. If additional return labels are needed contact the MI Help Desk at 1-866-762- 1056 or by email at Mihelp@measinc.com. Affix the return label directly on top of the original address label. Print the district name and address in the space provided on the return label. DCs are responsible for scheduling a material pick-up date. Be sure to schedule your test material pick-up early enough to meet the return requirement of materials returning to MI no later than five business days at completion of each school’s test administration.
Special Handling Considerations Have all WCAS booklets with student responses been entered into DEI? Spanish WCAS booklets will be returned to MI for scoring. Do the quantity of materials packaged for return match the security report received with your initial and A/O shipments? Have Test Incident Forms been completed and sent to the state for any missing materials or materials returned to MI off schedule? Have student responses in Smarter Balanced Large Print and Braille booklets been transcribed into a standard print booklet? If you have answered yes to all of these questions, you are now ready to schedule your FedEx pickup. WCAS Standard Print & Large Print WCAS Paper Booklets: All student responses are required to be entered into DEI to generate a score. Refer to the DEI User Guide on the WCAP Portal for step-by-step instructions on test eligibility, test mode, and entry of student responses. Test booklets with student responses returned to MI will not be scored. Braille WCAS Paper Booklets: The TA will transcribe student responses from the Braille booklet into the standard print booklet that arrived in the alternate form kit. Test booklets with student responses that have not been transcribed into the standard print test booklet will not be scored. The Braille booklet returns under the red non-scorable label. The standard print booklet with transcription returns under the green scorable label. Spanish WCAS Paper Booklets: Test booklets with student responses must be returned to MI for processing under the green scorable label. Spanish test booklets with student responses, returned under red non-scorable labels, will not be scored. SMARTER BALANCED Large Print & Braille Smarter Balanced Paper Booklets: The TA will transcribe student responses from the Braille or Large Print booklet into the standard print booklet that arrived in the alternate form kit. The Braille and Large Print booklets return under the red non-scorable label. The standard print booklets with transcription return under the green scorable label. Spanish Smarter Balanced Paper Booklets: The Spanish test booklets with student responses must be returned to MI for processing under the green scorable label. Test booklets with student responses, returned under red non-scorable labels, will not be scored. Important Reminders: Materials identified as missing or that have not been returned by the pick-up date will be identified by MI and provided to the state through a security report. If materials are identified as missing in your district, you will be contacted by the OSPI Assessment Operations office. An investigation will need to be conducted and findings must be reported back to the state. Please share with your team that late return of materials impacts school and district results. In addition, the late return of materials brings into questions the security of test content and authenticity of student score results, which could result in the invalidation of student test scores. DCs or DAs may contact the MI Help Desk if there are any problems packaging or returning test materials. For additional shipping labels or information regarding early return of test materials, contact the MI Help Desk, MIHelp@measinc.com, or 1-866-762-1056. In the next section we will walk through the steps taken when additional follow up is required.
Reporting If materials are not returned in a timely manner, they may generate a security report to OSPI, who will contact the district. This process is detailed in the next few slides.
Security Report Process The flow chart below describes the process between district, OSPI, and MI when materials have not been returned. In this scenario if the district is able to promptly provide OSPI with the requested information, no further action is required. District returns most test materials within the mandatory shipping window MI receives & processes district shipment, identifying when materials were not returned Unaccounted for materials initiates a security report to be generated & sent to OSPI Initial communication sent: DCs review records & provide tracking numbers MI will process materials and identify any materials that were shipped to districts and not checked back in. Materials not checked in at MI generate Security Reports MI sends a Security Report to OSPI weekly Assessment Operations office sends an email communication to DCs and DAs alerting them to the missing materials When necessary, OSPI will ask DCs to investigate discrepancies First communication – Alerts the district of possible missing materials DCs will: Review records to ensure materials were shipped on schedule Locate materials not yet shipped Provide tracking numbers for returned materials District Administration and Security Reports are due to OSPI no later than five business days after the conclusion of the annual test administration window. OSPI updates, records, and notifies MI if materials were recently shipped Materials arrive at MI and district is removed from next security report. DC receives email that materials have been checked in. No further action is required.
Security Report Process (continued) The flow chart below describes the process between district, OSPI, and MI when materials have not been returned. In this scenario if the district is able to promptly provide OSPI with the requested information, no further action is required. District returns most test materials within the mandatory shipping window MI receives & processes district shipment, identifying when materials were not returned Unaccounted for materials initiates a security report to be generated & sent to OSPI Initial communication sent: DCs review records & provide tracking numbers MI will process materials and identify any materials that were shipped to districts and not checked back in. Materials not checked in at MI generate Security Reports MI sends a Security Report to OSPI weekly Assessment Operations office sends an email communication to DCs and DAs alerting them to the missing materials When necessary, OSPI will ask DCs to investigate discrepancies First communication – Alerts the district of possible missing materials DCs will: Review records to ensure materials were shipped on schedule Locate materials not yet shipped Provide tracking numbers for returned materials District Administration and Security Reports are due to OSPI no later than five business days after the conclusion of the annual test administration window. OSPI updates, records, and notifies MI if materials were recently shipped Materials arrive at MI and district is removed from next security report. DC receives email that materials have been checked in. No further action is required.
First Security Report Generated by MI First OSPI Communication Reporting Schedule The table below outlines the schedule that the security process will follow for the 2019 Spring test administration. Administration Test Window Closes Materials Returned By First Security Report Generated by MI First OSPI Communication Spring SB & WCAS 2019 5/24/19 5/31/19 6/7/19 6/12/19 The spring 2019 Smarter Balanced and WCAS paper-pencil test administration closes on May 24. Test materials must be shipped back to MI by May 31. MI will provide OSPI with the first security report on June 7, with new reports generated weekly, until all missing materials cases have been closed.
Customer Support Issue Before Calling, Resolve Locally by: Contact Support General Test Information Visit the WCAP portal and review your WAW newsletters. Assessment Operations 360-725-6348, or assessment@k12.wa.us Missing Materials Missing materials are immediately reported to OSPI, and also need to be reported to MI. MI Help Desk 1-866-762-1056, or MIHelp@measinc.com Data, Pre-ID, and Report Card For data, student records, and accountability refer to the SRMAAG. For TIDE issues refer to the TIDE Guide. Assessment Analysts 360-725-6109, or assessmentanalysts@k12.wa.us Accommodations Refer to the Guidelines on Tools, Supports, and Accommodations. Select Assessment Office GTSA@k12.wa.us Graduation Alternatives Visit the Graduation Alternatives website. 360-725-6393, or Graduation.alternatives@k12.wa.us DCs and trained DAs are the point of contact between the district and the state. DCs and trained DAs will contact OSPI, when necessary. OSPI will refer all school and district staff questions back to the DC and DA for support. This will help to ensure that your staff receive the most up to date information, including school district procedures and policies.
Revision Log Updates to the Module after April 1 are noted below. Section Slide Description of Change Revision Date Blank If updates are needed throughout the school year, they will be outlined on this revision log and communicated through the Washington Assessment Weekly newsletter.