The Middle Ages
Importance of the Middle Ages The Middle Ages is a very long period (500 A.D. to 1300 A.D.) – Many significant historical events take place within this time frame that shape European society and western culture Collapse of Rome No central government Germanic Kingdoms Little education Feudalism and Manorialism Monarchs and Nobles Domination of the Roman Catholic Church Barter Economy Agricultural Revolution The Crusades The 100 Year War Black Death English law Magna Carta Parliament
Rome Falls Gradually Roman structure fails Europe experiences a major decline from 500 to 1000 A.D. (C.E.) Trade declines (unsafe travel) Towns empty (no government) Education declines Germanic tribes come to dominate Europe Blended Greco-Roman, Christian, and German traditions New civilization called = Medieval (Latin for Middle Ages)
No Central Government When Rome “fell” much of Europe was left without any strong central government Structure in society fell apart Cities and towns emptied Lots of violence Infrastructure diminished Education and classical learning virtually stopped
Germanic Kingdoms Europe became a place of many different German Kingdoms The powerful Germanic King, Charlemagne, builds a new Empire and is proclaimed Emperor of the Romans by the pope Angers the Eastern Byzantines and furthers divides East and West Europe Preserved Roman traditions The Germanic peoples would come to adopt Christianity
Monarchs and Nobles Monarchs (Kings and Queens) came to rule over Europe in place of Emperors and Governors Underneath the Monarch were the Nobility Held land (fiefs), special titles, and privileges in exchange for their loyalty to the crown Owed the crown service for their land and rank – usually military
Feudalism and Manorialism New government (F.) and economic (M.) structure that would arise in the place of Roman Authority Relied upon monarchs deriving their authority from lesser lords that swear loyalty to them Lords are granted land and peasants to work it Peasants work the lord’s “manor” and create a self-sufficient community The manor/lord pays taxes up to higher ranking lords, who in turn pay it up to the monarch
Without the Power of the Church Included With the Power of the Church Included
Barter Economy The Roman economy that included coined money fell apart In a barter system people exchange goods and services in place of paying “cash” Taxes were often paid in crops and labor Coins still existed but became secondary to trade as many did not earn cash money, but rather lived on the lord’s land and was protected in exchange for their labor
Dominance of the Church Overtime most of western Europe's peoples became Christians = Christendom (kingdom of…) The Church became central to people’s lives In order to get to heaven you need to get sacraments – only the church gave them Most were uneducated and could not read the Bible People had to pay a 10% tithe (church fee) to the Church The Church became wealthy and was not only a spiritual authority but also influenced the non-church world
An Agrarian Revolution By the 800s, peasants used iron plows that were far superior to wood ones They used horses that were faster than oxen Peasants adopted crop rotation, increasing field use These new ways produced more food With more food the population began to grow From 1000 to 1300, the population of Europe almost tripled Overcrowded manors led to the repopulation of cities and towns
The Crusades Series of religious wars (1100s – 1200s) that would change Europe and the Middle East Pope called for Christians to take back the Holy Land (Jerusalem) from Muslims Most were a failure, but returning Europeans brought back new ideas and goods Europeans gained a larger world view and increased contact with the outside world prompted by trade
The Hundred Years’ War 1337-1453 - between England and France to control lands and trade World changing new weapons were developed Long Bow (goes right through armor) Cannons = no more castles England lost most claims to lands in France
Hundred Years’ War
The Black Death Outbreak of bubonic plague that decimated the population of Europe Began in Asia and spread throughout Europe around 1350 Killed at least 30%, up to 60%, of people Transmitted by fleas that lived on rats Spread rapidly on trade ships Helped to end serfdom as the demand for labor led to higher wages – rise of a middle class
English Law English Kings grow their power and centralize the government Doomesday Book = first efficient tax collection and census data – gave the King good data on who had money and lands Common law = various local customs combined and written into a legal code – applied to all Jury System = accused criminals have their fates decided by peers
Magna Carta One of the most important legal documents Oppressive taxes by King John III of England led his nobles to revolt against him Nobles and freemen entered London and forced the king to sign the Magna Carta – or Great Charter Listed specific limitations of the king’s power and guaranteed others to the Nobility First time a king was forced to relinquish power First in a series of British and American documents that developed written constitutions , civil liberties, and a defined legal system
Parliament Follows the Magna Carta’s creation of a Great Council that advised the King on taxation Parliament developed into a two-house legislature (law making) House of Lords (Nobles and Bishops) House of Commons (elected by the people) Limited the King’s taxation powers Over the centuries it took more and more authority from the King (people’s government)