Ashley Bade, Kristina Crook, Courtney Noel, Amy Roelse The Healthy Trail Mix Ashley Bade, Kristina Crook, Courtney Noel, Amy Roelse
Mission Statement The mission statement of The Healthy Trail Mix is to improve the holistic health of communities by empowering individuals to take control of their own health through good nutrition, regular exercise, regular health screenings, and healthy lifestyle choices.
Philosophy The philosophy of The Healthy Trail Mix is we believe health is important to everyone and should be valued by every individual. We also believe everyone, no matter what their socioeconomic level or where they live, has the right to be empowered to make healthy choices based on the evidence-based information they have been given by health care professionals. Our desire is to inform and educate as many people as possible about making healthy choices by taking our healthy mix of evidence- based information on the trail/road and into our communities.
Organizational Goals Educate individuals in the community about the benefits and importance of good nutrition. Educate individuals in the community about the benefits and importance of regular exercise. Educate individuals in the community about the benefits and importance of immunizations and getting regular preventative health screenings. Educate individuals in the community about the benefits and importance of making healthy lifestyle choices.
Organizational Objectives Individuals attending the health fair, will gain information and knowledge about the benefits of good nutrition and healthy foods by observing cooking demonstrations and receiving handouts on nutrition facts, grocery shopping lists, and nutritious recipes for meals and snacks. When individuals leave the health fair, they will be able to identify two reasons good nutrition is important to the individual’s holistic health.
Organizational Objectives Individuals attending the health fair, will gain information and knowledge about the benefits of regular exercise and healthy activity by trying exercise equipment and receiving handouts on calories burned (x number of calories burned during x minutes of activity), workout routines, and fun family activities. When individuals leave the health fair, they will be able to identify two benefits of regular exercise to an individual’s holistic health.
Organizational Objectives Individuals attending the health fair, will gain information and knowledge about the importance of immunizations and regular preventative health screenings by receiving handouts on recommended immunizations schedules and pap smears, mammograms, colonoscopies, and psa screenings. When individuals leave the health fair, they will be able to identify the importance and recommendations regarding one preventative health screening which would be important for the individual or his/her family members.
Organizational Objectives Individuals attending the health fair, will gain information and knowledge about making healthy lifestyle choices by receiving handouts on recommendations for alcohol consumption, the risks of drug abuse, the risks of nicotine use, the risks of having unprotected sex, and ways of coping with stress. When individuals leave the health fair, they will be able to identify the importance of consuming alcohol in moderation, refraining from using products containing nicotine, and two ways of coping with stress.
Organizational Chart The chart of The Healthy Trail Mix consists of four registered nurses making up the Board of Directors that are responsible for all the health fair services provided by the organization. The dietitian, personal trainer, registered nurse, and social worker are responsible for their area of expertise and for sharing verbal and written advice and information at their booth at the health fair. The finance officer and marketing director are responsible for the business aspects of the organization. The nursing student volunteers are responsible for assisting all personnel as needed.
Dietician The dietitian will engage the patrons in conversations about their areas of interest and assess the patrons’ goals and needs with regards to a nutrition program. They will then identify the specific needs of the patrons and provide them with tips and ideas of how to incorporate improved dietary choices in their meal planning and increase their nutritional content. The dietician will assist the patrons in improving their dietary choices through education including healthy food choices, appropriate portion sizes, and the available tools to improve their nutritional intake. They will prepare and provide information packets based on the specific interest areas and disease prevention for the patrons visiting the dietitian’s booth. The dietitian will provide information on the available resources within the community while providing explanations and advice on nutritional and dietary choices.
Personal Trainer The personal trainer will engage the patrons in conversations and assess the patrons’ goals and needs with regards to a fitness program. They will then identify and tailor an exercise program individualized to the clients’ needs and goals. The personal trainer will assist the patrons in improving their exercise routines through education including appropriate and safe exercise techniques. They will prepare and provide information packets with individualized exercise plans and journals to monitor progress and maintain self-accountability for the patrons visiting the personal trainer’s booth. The personal trainer will provide information on the available resources within the community while providing explanations and advice on exercise and fitness choices.
Registered Nurse The registered nurse will engage the patrons in conversations about their health and their family’s health and assess the patrons’ goals and needs with regard to preventative care. They will then identify areas of health care needs and make recommendations for future preventative care. The registered nurse will assist the patrons in improving their health through education including recommended immunization schedules and recommended preventative health screening schedules. They will prepare and provide information packets with specific health care plans and calendars to track immunization schedules and screening schedules for the patrons visiting the registered nurse’s booth. The registered nurse will provide information on the available resources within the community while providing explanations and advice on immunizations and preventative health screenings.
Social Worker The social worker will engage the patrons in conversations about their lifestyle choices and assist the patrons’ goals and needs with regard to healthy lifestyle choices. They will then identify areas of lifestyle concerns and make recommendations for changes in lifestyle. The social worker will assist the patrons in improving their lifestyle through education including alcohol consumption, the risks of drug abuse, the risks of nicotine use, the risks of having unprotected sex, and ways of coping with stress. They will prepare and provide information packets with individualized recommended lifestyle changes for the patrons visiting the social worker’s booth. The social worker will provide information on the available resources within the community while providing explanations and advice on healthy lifestyle choices.
Marketing Director The marketing director will be responsible for marketing and advertising The Healthy Trail Mix to the local community. They will also be responsible for scheduling the health fairs for small businesses, large corporations, and healthcare organizations in the community. The marketing director will also be in charge of the welcome booth at the health fairs.
Financial Officer The financial officer will be responsible for book-keeping, budget analysis, problem-solving with regards to budget, and identification of future needs. They will also assist the company with finding additional investors and volunteers. The finance officer will be responsible for payroll and for verifying all individuals meet the specified qualifications for their role within the organization.
Nursing Student Volunteers The nursing student will provide clerical assistance to the fair staff, greet patrons, and provide information while directing the patrons to the available resources. They will engage the patrons in conversation to determine their interest in the fair topics. The nursing student will escort the patrons to the appropriate fair booths based on the interest topics identified. They will also assist patrons with sign in and contact information at the welcome booth and the entrance and exit surveys/tests. The nursing student will also assist with follow up emails/phone calls/text messages.
Budget Proposal The Healthy Trail Mix will conduct health fairs five days per week (weekdays and weekends, days and evenings), fifty weeks per year (2 weeks of vacation) all around the community in churches, in healthcare facilities, in schools, and at expos for the fee of $1,000 per health fair.
Budget Proposal OPERATING REVENUE Health Fairs $250,000 ($1,000 per fair X 250 fairs per year) NET INCOME $ 8,400 per year OPERATING EXPENSES Board of Directors Salary $ 24,000 ($6,000 X 4 people) per year (consultants) (PTE) Registered Dietician Salary $ 36,000 per year (FTE) plus $8,000 Personal Trainer Salary $ 24,000 per year (FTE) plus $8,000 Registered Nurse Salary $ 36,000 per year (FTE) plus $8,000 Social Worker Salary $ 36,000 per year (FTE) plus $8,000 Marketing Director Salary $ 24,000 per year (FTE) plus $8,000 Finance Officer Salary $ 12,000 per year (PTE) Fringe Benefits $ 40,000 ($8,000 X 5 FTE) Advertising $ 4,800 per year (nursing journals and newspapers) Supplies and Equipment $ 4,800 per year (tables, chairs, computers, printers, paper) TOTAL $241,600 per year