Handwriting Week 1 Term 2
Sounds: ar, ar, ar, ar, ar, ar, ir, ir, ir, ir, ir, ir. Handwriting Phonics Focus 30/04/13 Sounds: ar, ar, ar, ar, ar, ar, ir, ir, ir, ir, ir, ir. liar, collar, dollar, scholar, cedar, cheddar, nectar, cellar, briar, friar, pillar, molar, polar, solar, Gibraltar, lunar, calendar, binocular, elixir, choir. I need a _______, a _______ is what I need. The rock of _________ is a famous landmark. We went outside to view the ________ eclipse. You are a _______ when you refuse to tell the truth. The ________ bears live in the North and South Pole. The _______ was a magical love potion.
Sounds: ar, ar, ar, ar, ar, ar, ir, ir, ir, ir, ir, ir. Handwriting Phonics Focus 02/05/13 Sounds: ar, ar, ar, ar, ar, ar, ir, ir, ir, ir, ir, ir. liar, collar, dollar, scholar, cedar, cheddar, nectar, cellar, briar, friar, pillar, molar, polar, solar, Gibraltar, lunar, calendar, binocular, elixir, choir. I love singing in a _______. My little sister is teething her first _______ is popping through. The word ______ refers to the moon. The _________ graduated from University yesterday. Our house has an old wine ______ under the kitchen. A ______ is a group of thick thorny plants.