Traditional Literature
Folktales Common people or animals are the characters There is a problem to solve Good vs. Evil Phrases are repeated Happy ending Originally told orally Fairy Tales are a type of folktale
Fables Animals acting like people/ Personification A problem or trick Teaches a moral lesson Short Story Not always a happy ending Fiction
Tall Tale People with super-human powers Takes place during a real time in history A problem is solved in a humorous way Lots of hyperbole/Exaggeration Tells about the great things a person has done.
Myths Made up story that explains the existence of a natural phenomenon such as where thunder comes from. Have magic Teach a lesson Gods and Goddesses Super natural characters who have power to make extraordinary things happen Come from different cultures
Legends Based on the life of a real person Exaggerated characters or events Focuses on individuals and their accomplishments Stories that are linked to a historical time or event.