Argumentative Essay A Review
Definition Argumentation is a logical way of asserting the soundness of a debatable position, belief, or conclusion. Argumentation appeals to reason
Argumentation Takes a Stand The stand is known as a claim Urges the audience to share the writer’s perspective and insights.
Argumentation Leads to a Logical Conclusion Unlike persuasion it doesn’t’ try to move an audience to action It’s purpose is to demonstrate that certain ideas are valid and others are not. Formal structure Points ( three points of your thesis) Evidence (research resources) Examples (personal examples) Logical chain of reasoning (commentary) Refutes opposing arguments (counterargument) Accommodates the audiences views.
Thesis: subject, opinion, points of the opinion. Topic: Is Classical Music The Best For Studying? Thesis: Classical music is best for studying because it improves mood, helps focus, decreases stress. Antithesis: Classical music is not the best music for student because some classical music fans find the opposite – that the music is too compelling to fade into the background and ends up distracting from the task at hand. COUNTERARGUMENT (COMEBACK, REBUTTAL, PROOF THAT IT IS INCORRECT) Perhaps it is the type of classical music (beat) Perhaps it is too loud Perhaps one simply needs a 5 minute break from studying.
CRITERIA FOR EVIDENCE RELEVANT REPRESENTATIVE SUFFICIENT Relate/support thesis REPRESENTATIVE Represent the full range of opinions (students, researchers, music theorist) SUFFICIENT Enough facts/research/evidence/examples
Evaluating Sources Authoritative Accurate Objective Current Experts in the field Published information No author equal no authority Accurate University press Scholarly Journal Book High level journal/magazines—Atlantic, Economist, Psychology Today, Wall Street Journal, New York Times. VERSUS NATIONAL ENUIRER Why not Wikipedia—no single editor who checks entries for accuracy, credibility, objectivity. The users themselves write/edit entries. Objective Unbiased, special-interest groups, paid-to-write, Current Last date/update. Comprehensive Doesn’t just cover one side. Detailed coverage—more than a sentence or a paragraph
Finding/Evaluating Sources College Library databases (UNM University Library) Online Catalog Electronic Databases Reference Works
Structure of the Essay. Intro Thesis with opinion points: Classical music is best for studying because it improves mood, helps focus, decreases stress. 1st Body Paragraph—address first opinion point of thesis—improves mood CD (Research), EX(personal or research), CM (three-4 sentences explaining how your research and example supports your point. 2nd Body Paragraph—addresses second opinion point of thesis—helps focus 3rd Body Paragraph—addresses third opinion point of thesis—decreases stress 4th Body Paragraph—counterargument-- Classical music is not the best music for student because some classical music fans find the opposite – that the music is too compelling to fade into the background and ends up distracting from the task at hand. CD(Research)MOZART THEORY CD –explanation or reason why this may not support your opinion. CD—alternatives to counterargument VOLUME OF MUSIC, TYPE OF MUSIC, BREAK FROM STUDYING CONCLUSION PARAGRAPH
Requirements 7-10 reputable resources in the body paragraphs—must have authors UNM ONLINE RESOUCES 1 book 3 journal 2 magazine GENERAL INTERNET SEARCH 2 reputable sources w/authors
DUE DATES 10/24 Topic 10/25 General Research 10/26 Brainstorming 10/29 Outline 11/5 1st Draft/revision 11/7 Class Google Hangouts 11/8 PE 11/12 TE 11/14 Google Hangouts.