Science AIMS Review Landforms
Weathering Chemical – includes the effect of weathering on molecules and atoms - oxidation, hydrolysis, and acidification Mechanical - Mechanical weathering is the process of breaking big rocks into little ones
Slow Weathering Erosion Drought Melting Ice Caps
Fast Weathering Earthquakes Volcanoes Tornado Flood Fire
Erosion Wind erosion – wearing away of earth’s surface caused by wind
Water erosion – wearing away earth’s surface by water
Wind Erosion – Erosion caused by the wind Sand Arch Sand Dune
Deposition - items carried by streams, winds, or glaciers to the site
Weather and Climate Weather - The condition of the atmosphere at a given time and place, Weather is measured by temperature, moisture, wind velocity, and barometric pressure.
Things used to measure weather Thermometer – Used to measure temperature Anemometer – used to measure wind speeds Barometer – Used to measure barometric pressure
Climate Climate is the average weather usually taken over a 30-year time period for a particular region and time period
Weather Map L – signifies a low pressure area Green – Rain White – Snow Pink – Rain/Ice/Snow mix Weather Map L – signifies a low pressure area H – signifies a high pressure area Cold Front Warm Front
Sources of Water Ground water – water found beneath the earth’s surface.
Surface water – water found on the earth’s surface, this water is replenished by precipitation, this is a natural source of water Lakes hold most of Earth’s fresh water
Unnatural Sources of Water Unnatural sources of water are sources man has created Bottled water Tap water (water that comes out of the faucet) Distilled (bottled water)
Atmosphere – water that comes from the atmosphere, this includes rain, sleet, hail, and snow