Ms. Levy English II Room 120
Welcome Back to School Directions: Grab a popsicle stick and sit at the desk with its matching number. I will collect the popsicle sticks back once everyone is seated. Take out a pencil and a piece of paper, and put everything else away. Room # 120 Ms. Levy’s English II
Warm up Sheet Your Name Ms. Levy English II 8/31/15 Warm ups Monday Warm up response- ______________________
Warm up Prompt Rules and Procedures: The teacher would like your input on classroom rules and discipline procedures that you feel are important and appropriate for your grade level. List at least 3 examples.
Objective & Homework Objective: We will be able to review the class procedures and rules in order to create a welcoming and safe classroom environment. Homework: You and your guardian fill out and sign the last page of the syllabus and return it.
Agenda Intro & Warm up (15 minutes) Going over the Syllabus (5-10 minutes) Taking a Survey (20-30 minutes) Making name cards (5-10 minutes) Take a Stand (10 minutes) Games (Remaining time)
The Syllabus Important points: Course Overview (Page 1) Course Goals and Objectives (Pages 1-2) Course expectations (Page 3) Supplies (Page 3) Policies & Procedures (Pages 4-5) Reminder: Fill out and sign the last page!
Consequences If you do not follow the rules the following consequences will take place: Verbal Warning Write a Reflection Contact home Detention
Rewards If you are exceptional at being ready, responsible, and respectful than you will receive stars stickers on the Incentive chart. You can spend your stars on the following items: 2 pieces of candy (Costs 5 stars) 1 prize from the incentive box (Costs 10 stars) Homework late pass (Costs 15 stars) 10 Points of Extra credit (Costs 20 stars)
Taking a Survey Directions: Answer all the questions in complete sentences. Please be honest. Once you are done answering the questions: Mark your favorite three questions that you would like to share the answers to.
Making a name card Materials I will provide: Big index cards Markers Crayons Directions: On the blank side of the index card write/draw your first name nice and big. Design the rest of the card to fit your personality (must be appropriate for school).
Taking a stand Directions: I will give you two options, which ever one you agree with more, you will stand on that side of the room. If you are unsure or agree with both sides then you can stand in the center of the room. I will allow some students to share why they chose where they are or to argue why their side is better. Rules: No Pushing, shoving, or yelling. Raise your hand if you want to share your opinion.
Taking a stand starter Which do you like better? Chocolate Vanilla
Taking a stand starter Which do you like better? Cats Dogs
Taking a stand starter Which do you like better? Fantasy Stories Realistic Stories Fantasy Stories
Taking a stand starter Which one do you agree with? Students should wear uniforms Students should be able to chose what they wear
Taking a stand starter Which do you agree with? School should be year round with a lot of mini-breaks School should be as it is with a long summer break
Playing Games Choose one: Play 1 game as a class (Ultimate werewolf) Split the class into smaller groups to play multiple games (Anomia, Square up, Spot it, Bananagrams, Quarto, Word Around, etc..)