General & Honors Chemistry Your Class Binder General & Honors Chemistry
How to Put it Together You’ll have 5 Dividers Section 1 - Notes/Classwork Section 2 - Homework Section 3 - Projects/Presentations Section 4 - Tests/Quizzes Section 5 – Journal/Ideas/Thoughts Section 6 - Blank loose-leaf/graph paper
1. Notes/Classwork Your notes/classwork needs to be in order with a clear title and dated for each day. Having notes/classwork in order will make doing homework and studying for tests & quizzes an easy task.
2. Homework Homework needs to be dated and in order. Again, having everything in order will make your life easy.
3. Projects/Presentations Any work or research you conduct on a project/presentation should be in this section. You will be presenting information concerning “Current Events in Science.” Your research and article(s) will be in this section.
4. Tests/Quizzes All tests & quizzes should be kept in order in this section. Having all tests & quizzes in order will make studying for monthly tests and the final much easier for you.
5. Journal/Ideas/Thoughts This section should contain a daily journal of your ideas, thoughts, and questions you may have about science. During presentations you may want to write down a question you have. You may think of an experiment or lab you would like to conduct in class. When you write in this section you should date each entry so it will be easy for you to recall what you were thinking about.
6. Lab Handouts/Extra Paper Any lab handouts should go in this section. It is always a good idea to have extra pages of loose-leaf & graph paper. If you don’t have any, I will be able to provide you with some.
What is the Common Theme? Being organized and managing your work is essential to being successful. If you need something, you will know exactly where to look for it. I’m not infallible. If I make a mistake when entering your grades, you will be able to show me that you earned a 100% on you assignment or test, and not the 82% I entered in the gradebook by mistake. If you need one-on-one assistance in putting your binder together, please see me and I will help you.
Lab Notebook Lets take a look at how to format your lab notebook.
Homework Due Monday, August 21 Turn in signed and dated syllabus contract and safety contract. Have your binder organized and lab notebook in order as prescribed in the class documents. Bring your devices (laptops, tablets, phones) to room 202 and register them with Ms. Davis so you can access the student Wi-Fi in school. Extra credit opportunity: Research and make a device for viewing the eclipse on Monday.