1/27/14 “Inequality in U.S.” What percentage of total U.S. income do the top 20% of earners make in the U.S.? What percentage of total U.S. income do the bottom 40% of earners make in the U.S.? Why do some economists defend income inequality? On desk: Inequality in America videos wksht.
1/27/14 Econ. Agenda Inequality in America (PBS NewsHour videos) What can be done about inequality in America? (President Obama speech) HW: Answer reflection questions on wksht.
What is the state of income inequality in America today? (PBS NewsHour videos with Paul Solmon) Land of the Free, Home of the Poor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnQwTS-K6jI&list=PLgawtcOBBjr_s7b6rHLLyYramws8ry0BO Inequality is Bad for Everyone http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2DIMTxCB8U&list=PLgawtcOBBjr_s7b6rHLLyYramws8ry0BO Does Economic Inequality Have a Good Side? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pq79lYauZo&list=PLgawtcOBBjr_s7b6rHLLyYramws8ry0BO Inequality Hurts: The Unhealthy Side Effects of Economic Disparity http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sC7DQUsIqIg&list=PLgawtcOBBjr_s7b6rHLLyYramws8ry0BO Obama on Income Inequality: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDgvpPldRf0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmRgU2B1pe0
4. What could be done about income inequality in America?