Introduction Of Cha Xiong
Me My name is Cha Xiong. I am 13 years old. I have 4 brother and 2 sisters. I am the youngest of them all. I was born on August 21, 1997. I am from Georgia. Born in Decatur. 9th grade.
Personality I am a nice guy in school. I like to help people. I like to work in solitary. I am a Leo. Easy to change sides. Usually a joyful person.
Hobbies I like to hang around my friends. I help out my friends if I can. I like playing on the computer and learn using it. I like to play games.
T.V. I like to watch Family Guy The Office 1000 Ways To Die The Simpsons Two And A Half Men Everybody Hates Chris
Music Music I listen to Hip Hop Country Rock
Quotes “You can do anything you set your mind to man”-Eminem “Float like a butterfly sting like a bee.”-Muhammad Ali
Food Everything but Fish Chicken fingers French Fries Sandwiches
Hero None of the above. Why? Sometimes they do bad things.
School I went to three elementary school Middle School High School Peach crest Palmer stone Youth Middle School High School Walnut Grove
Sports Football Basketball
Internet Website Google Facebook Hotmail
Shop Wal-Mart Kroger Target Quick trip Ingles Best Buy Amazon
Restaurants Zaxbys Mc Donald Chinese Restaurants Golden Corral Panda Express
Spare Time I sit on the couch Play games Play with brother Play with my nephew. Watch T.V.
Movement I went to three elementary school. The first one I went until third grade. The second one I stayed until the end fourth grade. The last one I went and stayed. Went all 3 years in middle school. Hopefully stays in high school for the four years.
Accomplishments Made it to high school. Passed middle school. Passed elementary school. Go to college Get a job
Good at School Math Science Helping out Games Rubix Cube
Family My oldest brother is in the National Guard. The next oldest is in College. (UGA) The next is in Japan for the U.S. Marines. The one older then me gradated from this school. I am in high school. Two sisters are married.
Dislike Eating fish To much shopping For clothing