Donation “Argument is meant to reveal the truth, not to create it.” Argumentative Prompt “Argument is meant to reveal the truth, not to create it.” Donation PowerEd Plans 2014
Prompt: Argumentative Prompt Read the following prompt & write an essay based on the instructions. The grade will be based on the rubric following the prompt. A wealthy donor plans to build a new facility that will benefit young people in your area. It could be a swimming pool, a theater, a skateboard park, an art school, or any other facility that would provide young people with constructive ways to spend their time. The donor is not sure what kind of facility would be most useful. Write an argumentative essay to identify the type of facility you would like to have built. Be sure to support your opinion with convincing reasons and evidence. PowerEd Plans 2014
Think about what type of facility you believe would Argumentative Prompt Gather Ideas! Think about what type of facility you believe would benefit young people. Type of facility Why? Once you have gathered several ideas on both sides, decide which information is the strongest. Then, move on to develop your thesis statement. PowerEd Plans 2014
Argumentative Prompt Thesis Statement Use your ideas to develop a strong Thesis Statement. Clearly, a __________ would be the perfect facility for young people because ____________, __________, and ___________. Clearly, a ______________ would be the perfect facility for young people. Kick it up! Will an implied thesis work for your style? Revise: Did you choose the best ideas? Are there any words you can replace with stronger word choices? PowerEd Plans 2014
Check List Your Turn to Write On! Review your ideas. Argumentative Prompt Your Turn to Write On! Check List Review your ideas. Choose the best ideas for your essay. Develop a strong Thesis Statement. Evaluate and revise your Thesis Statement. Write your essay. Focus:___________________________________ PowerEd Plans 2014