STAR Tests 2015-2016
WHAT IS IT? The STAR test tests your abilities in English and Math
WHAT WILL IT TELL ME? STAR test will tell you: What grade level you are reading at What specific skills you need to work on How you compare to others at your same grade level Whether you grew from 1 test to the next
DO I NEED TO TAKE IT SERIOUSLY? Of course you do!!! It is a school test! The state of Colorado looks at our STAR results to determine how the school is doing - Should the school stay open? -Should it get more money? I can see your reading level & skills you need to work on to help you get better and catch up if necessary You can see your growth over this year You will get a grade based on your score
HOW WILL I BE GRADED ON MY STAR TEST? For the 1st test, you will be graded on your reading level: - At grade level- 4 - 1 grade level below- 3 - 2 grade levels below- 2 - 3+ grade levels below- 1 For the other 4 tests this year, you will be graded on your growth - Went down 0 - No change 1 - Grew 25+ points- 2 - Grew 50+ points- 3 - Grew 100+ points/@grade level 4
HOW DO I LOG IN TO STAR? Go to STARNET tab in Internet Explorer Username: Your student ID # (if you don’t know it, LEARN IT! ) Password: First initial, Last initial, Date of both - Example- Renee Luedders DOB 11/25/1981 RL11251981